General Information for the ITK Pixel Testbeam Set up tuning check CERN #x5230; #x7740; #x5F8C; #x3001; #x6E29; #x5EA6; #x5909; #x5316; #x306A; #x3069; #x3067;threshold...
How to use bdaq53 Installation ######## # bdaq installation log !! # # based on mkdir p ~/local cd ~/local wget https://repo...
Single Plot Meeting agenda Add one plot to the agenda for the short meeting. 1 Attach your slide first by using `Attach` button at the Bottom. 1 Click Click...
Beam Line PC Setup Install CentOS7 Installed CERN CentOS 7 normally (see ) yum y install ImageMagick aspell aspell en finger...
ELog for TCAD simulation study back to TCADSimulationInformation #x7C21; #x5358; #x306A; #x4F7F; #x3044; #x65B9; #x306A; #x3069; #x4E2D; #x306B; #x305F; #x304F;...
Probe Station Instruction Introduction How to use ? set up #x30D0; #x30AD; #x30E5; #x30FC; #x30E0; #x306E; #x96FB; #x6E90; #x304C; #x5165; #x3063; #x...