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Results from Main web retrieved at 13:23 (GMT)

ARTBLTestbeamLog202306 Article text. #x4E8B; #x524D; #x6E96; #x5099; 5/9( #x706B;) #x4ECA; #x6751; HSIO2 pc24 #x63A5; #x7D9A; #x78BA; #x8A8D; #x7528; #x610F...
LOG for ARTBL Testbeam in December 2023 #x4E8B; #x524D; #x6E96; #x5099; 2023/10/10 #x6751; #x5C71; HSIO2 pc26 #x63A5; #x7D9A; #x78BA; #x8A8D; #x624B; #x9806;...
ELPH Testbeam Log 2021 2021.5.12 #x5317; #x3001; #x4E2D; #x6751; #x30B7; #x30F3; #x30C1; #x3068;TLU #x306E; #x30BB; #x30C3; #x30C8; #x30A2; #x30C3; #x30D7;...
ELPH Testbeam Log 2022 Article text. 2022.5.6 TLU #x52D5; #x4F5C; #x78BA; #x8A8D; by #x5317; KC705 #x3068; #x30A2; #x30C0; #x30D7; #x30BF; #x30FC; #x30DC; #x30FC...
DAQ development for FE65 P2 chip Introduction FE65 P2 is the readout ASIC with 65nm processing as pre pre production for the RD53A/B chips used by HL LHC ITK pixel...
Feb2019TestbeamLog SinglePlotMeeting2019 IP #x4E00; #x89A7; atlaspc9(DAQPC) atlaspc10 raspai vme 192....
Log Article text. #x51FA; #x767A; #x524D; #x6E96; #x5099; To do(2022/12 #x73FE; #x5728;) Fermilab #x30E6; #x30FC; #x30B6; #x30FC; #x767B; #x9332;...
RD53A DAQ Memo Log icon:index RD53ADAQdevelopment : FE I4 DAQ development by KC705 preparation of RD53A daq icon:index RD53AProbeCard : RD53A Probe...
Number of topics: 8
Could not perform search. Error was: /bin/grep -E -i -l -H -- %TOKEN|U% %FILES|F% Grep for 'Main.SelfTriggerScan([^A-Za-z0-9]|$)|Main.Self *Trigger *Scan([^A-Za-z0-9]|$)' returned error

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