Agenda of FCC-hh Japan meeting

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4th meeting (18th June 2015 @ b188-5f) @ b188-5f CERN

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# Name title slide
1 Koji Nakamura Introduction 20150617_4th-FCCj-meeting.pdf
2 Junichi Tanaka Direct search of BSM & Higg BR uncertainties JT_FCC_20150618.pdf
3 Yuji Enari V-tagging & Exclusive Higgs boson decay & Forward Acceptance coverage for gg->HH Collecting_info_Enari.pdf
4 Shimpei Yamamoto    
5 Toshi Sumida Next heavy higgs scale by WW scattering & possibility of trigger with 5ns bunch spacing toshi_150618_FCC.pdf
6 Tatsuya Masubuchi    
7 Koji Nakamura Higgs Self coupling & Higgs portal Dark Matter search 20150617_4th-FCCj-nakamura.pdf

5th meeting (20th April 2016) @ Casanova

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# Name title slide
1 Koji Nakamura Introduction FILENAME

6th meeting (5th Aug 2016) @ b188-5f CERN

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  3. Edit your name and title of contribution.
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# Name title slide
1 Koji Nakamura Introduction 20160805_6th-FCCj-introduction.pdf
2 Koji Nakamura CMOS + DM 20160805_6th-FCCj-nakamura.pdf
3 Enari Plan Enari_20160805.pdf
4 tanaka plan FCCj_Tanaka_20160805.pdf

-- Fcc Japan - 2015-05-21

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf 20150617_4th-FCCj-meeting.pdf r1 manage 1435.3 K 2015-06-18 - 16:31 KojiNakamura introduction
PDFpdf 20150617_4th-FCCj-nakamura.pdf r1 manage 1185.3 K 2016-08-05 - 16:42 KojiNakamura  
PDFpdf 20160805_6th-FCCj-introduction.pdf r1 manage 496.3 K 2016-08-05 - 16:42 KojiNakamura  
PDFpdf 20160805_6th-FCCj-nakamura.pdf r1 manage 1422.7 K 2016-08-05 - 16:46 KojiNakamura  
PDFpdf Collecting_info_Enari.pdf r2 r1 manage 1057.9 K 2015-06-18 - 17:24 FccJapan Enari
PDFpdf Enari_20160805.pdf r1 manage 554.9 K 2016-08-05 - 16:44 FccJapan  
PDFpdf FCCj_Tanaka_20160805.pdf r1 manage 321.2 K 2016-08-05 - 16:47 FccJapan  
PDFpdf JT_FCC_20150618.pdf r1 manage 1662.1 K 2015-06-18 - 17:09 FccJapan Tanaka
PDFpdf toshi_150618_FCC.pdf r2 r1 manage 45.8 K 2015-06-18 - 15:23 FccJapan  
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Topic revision: r17 - 2016-08-08 - KojiNakamura
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