List of PCs for ITK Japan

PC Name OS Login Connection Comment
atlaspc5 SLC6 NONE DMZ (public) Twiki server/Mongo server
atlaspc7 SLC6 registration Internal/VPN ssh TCAD matchine
atlaspc8 Windows 10 AJ の標準 Internal/VPN remote desktop Altium designer matchine
atlaspc9 Cern CentOS 7 AJ の標準 Internal/VPN ssh DAQ PC (Xpress K7 works)
atlaspc10 Cern CentOS 7 AJ の標準 Internal/VPN ssh DAQ PC
atlaspc11 Windows 10 NONE Internal/VPN remote desktop Metorology scan PC

-- Koji Nakamura - 2019-03-13


Topic revision: r1 - 2019-03-13 - KojiNakamura
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