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June 2016 CERN Testbeam Logbook

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May 25 9:00 Starting Testbeam preparation at H6A beam area. Setup HSIO2 and updated Firmare.

-- Koji Nakamura - 2016-05-25

June 6 non-irrad sensor tuning start & done, Auto trigger data taking (3dut & 5tel) in beam line -> OK

-- Atlasj Silicon - 2016-06-06

June 6 22:47 check long auto trigger run (about 3h, 3dut & 5tel) -> telescopes & DUT are stable (don't stop run) by K.Sato

-- Atlasj Silicon - 2016-06-06

June 7 10:30 Updated firmware on Artex-7 of IFAE(AFP)'s HSIO2 (HsioCosmic _V11N_CosmicNew.bit) by H. Sawai

-- Atlasj Silicon - 2016-06-07

June 7 11:00 Started tuning for irrad-module by H. Sawai

-- Atlasj Silicon - 2016-06-07

June 7 19:36 Succeeded in remote controlling from the hut. Started 3SCC auto-trigger run with GeoID:31. by H. Sawai

-- Atlasj Silicon - 2016-06-07

June 7 23:47 Started run for 3SCC (no beam yet). GeoID:31, Run Number:1930~ by H. Sawai

-- Atlasj Silicon - 2016-06-07

June 7 23:52 All sensor tuning done by K.Sato

-- Atlasj Silicon - 2016-06-07

June 8 23:34 Adjusted position of 3 SCCs, and started run (Run Number:1950~) by H. Sawai

-- Atlasj Silicon - 2016-06-08

June 9 10:04 KEK105,106,108 connectivity check at control room, but tuning is not good...(connecivity is OK) so need to tune in beam line before test by K.Sato

-- Atlasj Silicon - 2016-06-09

June 10 4:00 check sensor condition, KEK105RJ3 is out, other sensor install run control. but beam is stopping now...

-- Atlasj Silicon - 2016-06-10

June 10 6:00 beam on & start alignment

-- Atlasj Silicon - 2016-06-10

June 11 8:30 5telescope run start (runnumber=2118). Please check run spreadsheet

-- Atlasj Silicon - 2016-06-11

June 10 morning~June 11 night summary

- 4chip run(KEK105,106,108) alignment OK & start

- HSIO2 inlink, outlink config file is incorrect -> change correct config file -> can take beam data

- include noise scan mask - make 4chip run reconstruction program, so please check run quality sometimes

- telescope4 remove June 11 night, because of non event build. -> change 5telescope June 11 8:30

-- Atlasj Silicon - 2016-06-11

June 11 11:43 telescope1 on onlinemonitor has wrong columns, so power recycle (wrong columns run is 2122,2123)

-- Atlasj Silicon - 2016-06-11

Telescope current up to 3.7A at 14:30. Power cycle tel LV and restarted Jtag and NI producer.

-- Koji Nakamura - 2016-06-11

It seems tel 1 (second) have issue when current is going up.

-- Koji Nakamura - 2016-06-11

June 11 22:56 check 600V, 400V run beforeGeoID tuning condition & HV change (400V run) start!!!

-- Atlasj Silicon - 2016-06-11

June 12 5:35 changed voltage to 200V -> run beforeGeoID -> run start

-- Atlasj Silicon - 2016-06-12

June 12 9:00 telescope LV current up to 3.3A --> restarted telescope

-- Koji Nakamura - 2016-06-12

June 12 9:30 no DUT hit for run 2175 then restarted rce offline producer. the run just after the issue (run 2177 ) everything looks ok in Online monitor but showing error "Error Section invalid: 4 XXXX XXXX". restarted run just in case.

-- Koji Nakamura - 2016-06-12

June 12 15:08 observe tel current spick at very beginning of spill and telescope stop working. Restarted telescope.

-- Koji Nakamura - 2016-06-12

June 13 9:00 end of 800V run for batch 21

-- Atlasj Silicon - 2016-06-13

June 31 15:15 OnlineMonitor has error message "Event not valid". Check Reconstruction program, this error message event can not reconstruct.

-- Atlasj Silicon - 2016-06-13

June 14 8:30 Started batch22 800V run. Increased LV of KEK103 from 1.3V to 1.4V.

-- Atlasj Silicon - 2016-06-14

June 15 3:00 modified Online Monitor code so that Z axis in all 2D histogram are log scale.

-- Koji Nakamura - 2016-06-15

More Information

-- Koji Nakamura - 2016-06-05

This topic: Main > PlanerPixelTestBeam > June2016CERN > Jun2016CERNTBLog
Topic revision: r21 - 2016-06-15 - KojiNakamura
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