How to install SLC6 32bit

Scientific Linux CERN 6

Linux @ CERN

Before you start

Connect to Windows at CERN

Only for Mac users => get apps you can connect to Windows. (e.g. Microsoft Remote Desktop)

Connect to ""

User name : CERN\[your CERN account name]  (e.g. "CERN\swada")

Password : [your password]

Use VMware Workstation 12 Player

Start VMware on desktop.

Enter your valid email address and use VMware for free.

If you get pop-up "software update" window,

  • Workstation => skip.
  • Player => install.
Create a New Virtual Machine (previously, you must download "boot.iso" => here)
  1. set "boot.iso" location
  2. select guest OS (Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6)
  3. set install location
  4. specify disk capacity (max disk size ~ 100GB)
  5. finish
SLC6 installation setup 1
  1. choose a language & keyboard type
  2. set installation method => URL
  3. URL setup => ""
SLC6 installation setup 2
  1. enter the hostname as you like
  2. select the nearest city (Europe/Paris)
  3. set your password for the root user
  4. set installation type (Use All Space)
  5. select additional repositories you want (at least, check security update)
  6. complete
SLC6 setup
  1. date & time (use NTP)
  2. do not use Kdump
  3. finish

How to login SLC6 (creat your account)

login without X (Ctrl+Alt+F2)

login as root

  • login: root
  • password: [password you set]

add the following to file "/etc/passwd"

  • "[your account]:x:[your CERN UID]:[your name]:/home/[your account]:/bin/bash"
  • e.g. "swada:x:101555:1307:Sayaka Wada:/home/swada:/bin/bash"
  • you can check your account ID using comand "phonebook" (e.g. $phonebook sayaka wada -a)
  • "zp" & "1307" are Magic Words.

add the following to file "/etc/group"

  • "zp:x:1307:[your account]"
  • e.g. "zp:x:1307:swada"

make directry

  • $mkdir /home/[your account] ; chown [your account]:zp /home/[your account]
  • e.g. $mkdir /home/swada ; chown swada:zp /home/swada

passwd [your account]

if you are asked something, you can answer "u"

back to X (Ctrl+Alt+F1)

login as your account you created






-- Atlasj Silicon - 2017-03-03


Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf HowToInstallSLC6_dragged_0.pdf r1 manage 125.4 K 2017-03-03 - 14:22 AtlasjSilicon  
PDFpdf HowToInstallSLC6_dragged_1.pdf r1 manage 3291.5 K 2017-03-03 - 14:20 AtlasjSilicon  
PDFpdf HowToInstallSLC6_dragged_2.pdf r1 manage 948.8 K 2017-03-03 - 14:20 AtlasjSilicon  
PDFpdf HowToInstallSLC6_dragged_3.pdf r1 manage 2792.7 K 2017-03-03 - 14:20 AtlasjSilicon  
PDFpdf HowToInstallSLC6_dragged_4.pdf r1 manage 1987.4 K 2017-03-03 - 14:20 AtlasjSilicon  
PDFpdf HowToInstallSLC6_dragged_5.pdf r1 manage 3964.2 K 2017-03-03 - 14:21 AtlasjSilicon  
PDFpdf HowToInstallSLC6_dragged_6.pdf r1 manage 3125.4 K 2017-03-03 - 14:21 AtlasjSilicon  
PDFpdf HowToInstallSLC6_dragged_7.pdf r1 manage 2503.6 K 2017-03-03 - 14:21 AtlasjSilicon  
Topic revision: r1 - 2017-03-03 - AtlasjSilicon
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