How to install SLC6 32bit
Scientific Linux CERN 6
Linux @ CERN
Before you start
Connect to Windows at CERN
Only for Mac users => get apps you can connect to Windows. (e.g. Microsoft Remote Desktop)
Connect to ""
User name : CERN\[your CERN account name] (e.g. "CERN\swada")
Password : [your password]
Use VMware Workstation 12 Player
Start VMware on desktop.
Enter your valid email address and use VMware for free.
If you get pop-up "software update" window,
- Workstation => skip.
- Player => install.
Create a New Virtual Machine (previously, you must download "boot.iso" =>
- set "boot.iso" location
- select guest OS (Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6)
- set install location
- specify disk capacity (max disk size ~ 100GB)
- finish
SLC6 installation setup 1
- choose a language & keyboard type
- set installation method => URL
- URL setup => ""
SLC6 installation setup 2
- enter the hostname as you like
- select the nearest city (Europe/Paris)
- set your password for the root user
- set installation type (Use All Space)
- select additional repositories you want (at least, check security update)
- complete
SLC6 setup
- date & time (use NTP)
- do not use Kdump
- finish
How to login SLC6 (creat your account)
login without X (Ctrl+Alt+F2)
login as root
- login: root
- password: [password you set]
add the following to file "
- "[your account]:x:[your CERN UID]:[your name]:/home/[your account]:/bin/bash"
- e.g. "swada:x:101555:1307:Sayaka Wada:/home/swada:/bin/bash"
- you can check your account ID using comand "phonebook" (e.g. $phonebook sayaka wada -a)
- "zp" & "1307" are Magic Words.
add the following to file "
- "zp:x:1307:[your account]"
- e.g. "zp:x:1307:swada"
make directry
- $mkdir /home/[your account] ; chown [your account]:zp /home/[your account]
- e.g. $mkdir /home/swada ; chown swada:zp /home/swada
passwd [your account]
if you are asked something, you can answer "u"
back to X (Ctrl+Alt+F1)
login as your account you created
Atlasj Silicon - 2017-03-03