Working log book for Fuji B4 setup at 2020.08










atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin ,triggerboard on, sensorHV on-50V -0.7uA, LCCon 線源ari

trig thr 34.7mV

009478 exttrigger 420s

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4.4A, chip2,diff,lin ,triggerboard on, sensorHV on-50V -0.7uA, LCCon 線源ari

trig thr 34.7mV

009494 exttrigger 480

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4.4A, chip3,diff,lin ,triggerboard on, sensorHV on-50V -0.7uA, LCCon 線源ari

trig thr 34.4mV

009500 exttrigger 420

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4.4A, chip4,diff,lin ,triggerboard on, sensorHV on-50V -0.7uA, LCCon 線源ari

trig thr 34.4mV

009504 exttrigger 420

009505 digitalscan

009506 digitalscan

"CmlEnTap": 1,

"CmlInvTap": 1,

"CmlTapBias0": 1020,

"CmlTapBias1": 40,

"CmlTapBias2": 0,

009507 digitalscan

009508 digitalscan

cmltapbias1 50

009509 digitalscan noisy

009510 digitalscan OK

009511 digitalscan nois

009512 digitalscan noisy

009513 digitalscan OK

cmltapbias1 60

009514 digitalscan noisy

009515 digitalscan noisy

009516 digitalscan OK

009517 digitalscan mask stage

009518 digitalscan cant establish

cmltapbias1 70

009519 digitalscan OK

009520 digitalscan 2pixel strange

009521 digitalscan OK

009522 digitalscan mask stage

009523 digitalscan noisy

cmltapbias1 80

009524 digitalscan OK

009525 digitalscan mask stage

009526 digitalscan noisy

009527 digitalscan noisy

009528 digitalscan 0

cmltapbias1 90

009529 digitalscan cant establish

009530 digitalscan mask stage

009531 digitalscan noisy

009532 digitalscan noisy

009533 digitalscan mask stage

cmltapbias1 100

009534 digitalscan noisy

009535 digitalscan mask stage

009536 digitalscan noisy

009537 digitalscan noisy

009538 digitalscan OK

cmltapbias1 120

009539 digitalscan noisy

009540 digitalscan OK

009541 digitalscan noisy

009542 digitalscan noresult

009543 digitalscan OK

cmltapbias1 130

009544 digitalscan mask stage

009545 digitalscan noresult

009546 digitalscan OK

009547 digitalscan noisy

009548 digitalscan noisy

cmltapbias1 140

009549 digitalscan 1pixel0 1pixel 300

009550 digitalscan mask stage

009551 digitalscan mask stage

009552 digitalscan noisy

009553 digitalscan noisy

cmltapbias1 150

009554 digitalscan noisy

009555 digitalscan noisy

009556 digitalscan mask stage

009557 digitalscan 0

009558 digitalscan noisy

cmltapbias1 160

009559 digitalscan noisy

009560 digitalscan OK

009561 digitalscan OK

009562 digitalscan noisy

009563 digitalscan OK

cmltapbias1 170

009564 digitalscan cant establish

009565 digitalscan noisy

009566 digitalscan noisy

009567 digitalscan 1pixel0 1pixel200

009568 digitalscan OK

cmltapbias1 180

009569 digitalscan noisy

009570 digitalscan OK

009571 digitalscan noresult

009572 digitalscan noisy

009573 digitalscan noisy

cmltapbias1 190

009574 digitalscan diff100以下noise?lin0->noisy

009575 digitalscan OK

009576 digitalscan noisy

009577 digitalscan OK

009578 digitalscan mask stage

009579 digitalscan no result

cmltapbias1 200

009580 digitalscan OK

009581 digitalscan noisy

009582 digitalscan noisy

009583 digitalscan mask stage

009584 digitalscan OK

cmltapbias1 300

009585 digitalscan OK

009586 digitalscan noisy

009587 digitalscan OK

009588 digitalscan noisy

009589 digitalscan noisy

009590 digitalscan OK

cmltapbias1 400

009591 digitalscan OK

009592 digitalscan OK

009593 digitalscan mask stage 1pixel800

009594 digitalscan OK

009595 digitalscan mask stage

009596 digitalscan pixel ずれ

009597 digitalscan mask stage

009598 digitalscan OK

009599 digitalscan 1pixel0 1pixel800

009600 digitalscan mask stage

cmltapbias1 500

009601 digitalscan noresult

009602 digitalscan mask stage

009603 digitalscan 80~120斜めずれ

009604 digitalscan noisy data not valid 2かい 

009605 digitalscan OK

cmltapbias1 600 data not valid だらけ

009606 digitalscan noresult

009607 digitalscan noresult

009608 digitalscan almost0 max 18横に繋がってる

009609 digitalscan noisy

009610 digitalscan 80~120斜めずれ mask stage

cmltapbias1 450

009611 digitalscan OK

009612 digitalscan noisy

009613 digitalscan mask stage

009614 digitalscan OK

009615 digitalscan 80~100

cmltapbias1 400

009616 digitalscan mask stage

009617 digitalscan OK

009618 digitalscan mask stage 1pixel800

009619 digitalscan mask stage

009620 digitalscan 0



powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off LCConf 線源なし(15,15,)

009418 digitalscan

009419 analogscan


atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off LCCof線源なし


009423 digitalscan*

009425 analogscan

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off LCCon線源なし

009427 analogscan *

009428 diff tune global threshold -t 2500 止まった

009429 diff tune global threshold -t 2500

009430 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009431 diff thresholdscan

009432 diff thresholdscan *

009433 lin tune global threshold -t 2500

009434 lin tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009435 lin thresholdscan *

syncvth 120

009436 syn thresholdscan *

009437 std thresholdscan *

009438 std totscan *

009439 std discbumpscan *

009440 std noisescan -m 0 10s

009441 std noisescna -m 0 10s

009442 std noisescan 10s

009443 std noisescan -m 0 10s

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off LCCon線源なし

009444 std noisescan -m 0 10s

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip4,diff,lin ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V -0.2uA LCCon線源あり

trig thr32.9mV

009446 std exttrigger 12s

trig thr 32.9mV

009447 std exttrigger 412s

trig thr 34.5

009448 std exttrigger 744s

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip2,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V -0.2uA LCCon線源あり

009449 std noisescan 370s

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip2,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V -0.2uA LCCon線源あり

frequency 50k

009450 std noisescan 300s


atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip1,diff lin ,triggerboard on, sensorHV off LCCon線源ari

009451 std noisescan -m 0 20s

009452 std noisescan 10s

009453 std noisescan -m 0

trig thr 32mV

009454 std exttriggerscan 312s

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip1,diff lin ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -10V ±0.000~ LCCon線源ari

009455 std exttriggerscan 310

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip1,diff lin ,triggerboard on, sensorHV なし LCCon線源ari

009456 std exttriggerscan 2808s

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip2,diff lin ,triggerboard on, sensorHV なし LCCon線源ari

trig thr 32.4mV

009457 std exttriggerscan 155s

009458 std exttriggerscan



atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.784V 4,4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off LCCoff 線源なし

009009 digitalscan

009010 digitalscan

009011 digitalscan

009012 digitalscan

009013 digitalscan

009014 digitalscan

009015 digitalscan

009016 digitalscan

009017 analogscan

009018 analogscan

009019 analogscan

009020 analogscan

009021 analogscan noresult

009022 analogscan

009023 analogscan

009024 analogscan

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.784V 4,4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off LCCon 線源なし

009025 analogscan

009025 analogscan

009027 analogscan *

009028 diff tune global threshold -t 2500

009029 diff tune global threshold -t 2500

009030 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009031 diff tune global preamp -t 10000 7

009032 diff tune global preamp -t 10000 7

009033 diff tune global preamp -t 10000 7

009034 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009035 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009036 diff thresholdscan

009037 diff tune global threshold -t 2500 止まった

009038 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009039 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009040 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500 止まった

009041 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009042 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009043 diff tune global preamp -t 10000 7

009044 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009045 diff thresholdscan *

009049 lin tune global threshold -t 2500

009050 lin tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009051 lin tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009052 lin tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009053 lin tune global threshold -t 10000 7

009054 lin tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009055 lin thresholdscan *

009056 syn tune global threshold -t 2500

009057 syn tune global preamp

009058 syn tune global threshold -t 2500

009059 syn tune global preamp -t 10000 7

009060 syn tune global threshold -t 2500

009061 syn thresholdscan

sync vth 100

009062 syn thresholdscan

sync vth 70

009063 syn thresholdscan *

009064 std thresholdscan *

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.784V 4,4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.2uA LCCon 線源なし

009067 noisescan -m 0 5s

009068 noisescan -m 0 5s

009069 noisescan 16s

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.784V 4,4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard 0.5A 0.97A -62V 3.8uA , sensorHV -50V -0.25uA LCCon 線源あり

trig thr 30.5mV

009070 exttirrgerscan 420s→syn onにしたまま

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.784V 4,4A, chip1,diff,lin,,triggerboard 0.5A 0.97A -62V 3.8uA , sensorHV -50V -0.25uA LCCon 線源あり

trig thr 30.5mV

009071 exttriggerscan 371s ->200mV

trig thr 34.0mV

009077 exttriggerscan 360s *



atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.784V 4,4A, chip3,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off LCCoff 線源なし

009089 digitalscan *

009090 analogscan *

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.784V 4,4A, chip3,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off LCCon 線源なし

009091 analogscan

009092 analogscan

009093 analogscan

009094 analogscan *

009095 diff tune global threshold -t 2500

009096 diff tune global threshold -t 2500

009097 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009098 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009099 diff tune global preamp -t 10000 7

009100 diff tune global preamp -t 10000 7 cantestablish

009101 diff tune global preamp -t 10000 7 止まった

009102 diff tune global preamp -t 10000 7

009102 diff tune global preamp -t 10000 7

009104 diff tune global preamp -t 10000 7

009105 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009106 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009107 diff thresholdscan *

009108 lin tune global threshold -t 2500

009109 lin tune global threshold -t 2500

009110 lin tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009111 lin tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009112 lin tune global preamp -t 10000 7 止まった

009113 lin tune global preamp -t 10000 7

009114 lin tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009115 lin thresholdscan *

009116 syn thresholdscan cant

009117 syn thresholdscan

sync vth 100

009118 syn thresholdscan *

009119 std thresholdscan *

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.784V 4,4A, chip1,diff,lin,,triggerboard 0.5A 0.97A -62V 3.8uA , sensorHV -50V -0.25uA LCCon 線源あり

trig thr 29.6

009120 exttriggerscan 360s

chip4 cant establishしかでない


atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.784V 4,4A, chip2,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off LCCoff 線源なし

009140 digitalscan


009142 digitalscan


009148 digitalscan

009150 digitalscan *

009151 analogscan *

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.784V 4,4A, chip2,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off LCCon 線源なし

009152 analogscan *

009153 diff tune global threshold -t 2500

009154 diff tune global threshold -t 2500

009157 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009158 diff tune global preamp -t 10000 7

009159 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009160 diff thresholdscan

009161 lin tune global threshold -t 2500

009162 lin tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009163 lin tune global preamp -t 10000 7 止まった

009164 lin tune global preamp -t 10000 7

009165 lin tune pixel threshold -t 2500 cant

009166 lin tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009167 lin tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009168 lin tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009169 lin thresholdscan *

sync vth 100

009170 syn thresholdscan

009171 syn thresgholdscan *

009172 std thresholdscan *

009173 std totscan *

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.784V 4,4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off LCCon 線源なし

009174 std totscan *

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.784V 4,4A, chip3,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off LCCon 線源なし

009175 std totscan *

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.784V 4,4A, chip2,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.4uA LCCon 線源なし

009176 noisescan -m 0 4s

009177 noisescan -m 0 20s

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.784V 4,4A, chip2,diff,lin,,triggerboard 0.5A 0.97A -62V 3.8uA , sensorHV -50V -0.25uA LCCon 線源あり

trig thr 36.0mV

009178 exttriggerscan

009179 exttriggerscan 460s MISS

009180 exttriggerscan 380s

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.784V 4,4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off LCCon 線源なし

009185 discbumpscan

009186 discbumpscan

009187 discbumpscan

009188 discbumpscan

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.784V 4,4A, chip2,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off LCCon 線源なし

009190 discbumpscan

009191 discbumpscan

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.784V 4,4A, chip2,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off LCCon 線源なし

009192 discbumpscan

009193 discbumpscan

009194 discbumpscan

009195 discbumpscan

009196 discbumpscan

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.789V 4,4A, chip4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off LCCon 線源なし




atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.789V 4,4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off LCCoff 線源なし

009247 digitalscan

009248 digitalscan

009249 analogscan

009250 analogscan *

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.789V 4,4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off LCCon 線源なし

009251 analogscan

009252 analogscan

009253 analogscan noresult

009254 analogscan

009255 analogscan

009256 analogscan

009257 analogscan

009258 analogscan

009259 analogscan *

009260 diff tune global threshold -t 2500

009261 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009262 diff tune global preamp -t 10000 7

009263 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009264 diff thresholdscan

009265 lin global threshold -t 2500

009266 lin pixel threshold -t 2500

009267 lin tune global preamp -t 10000 7

009268 lin tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009269 lin thresholdscan

syncvth 100

009270 syn thresholdscan

009271 syn thresholdscan

009272 syn thresholdscan

009273 std thresholdscan

009274 std totscan

009275 std discbumpscan

009276 std discbumpascan cant

009277 std discbumpscan

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.789V 4,4A, chip2,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off LCCoff 線源なし

009278 digitalscan

009279 analogscan *

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.789V 4,4A, chip2,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off LCCon 線源なし

009280 analogscan

009281 analogscan

009282 analogscan

009283 analogscan

009284 analogscan

009285 analogscan


009286 analogscan あかん

009287 analogscan *

009288 diff tune global threshold -t 2500

009289 diff tune global threshold -t 2500 止まった

009290 diff tune global threshold -t 2500

009291 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009292 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009293 diff tune global preamp -t 10000 7

009294 diff tune global preamp -t 10000 7

009295 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009296 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009297 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009298 diff thresholdscan *

009299 lin tune global threshold -t 2500

009300 lin tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009301 lin tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009302 lin tune global preamp -t 10000 7

009303 lin tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009304 lin thresholdscan

sync vth 100

009305 syn thresholdscan

009307 std thresholdscan *

009308 std totscan *

009309 std discbumpscan

009310 std discbumpscan

009311 std discbumpscan

powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.789V 4,4A, chip2,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off LCCon 線源なし

009313 std discbumpscan *

powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.789V 4,4A, chip3,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off LCCoff 線源なし

009314 digitalscan

009317 digitalscan cant


009324 digitalscan *

009325 analogscan

009326 analogscan *

powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.789V 4,4A, chip3,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off LCCon 線源なし

009327 analogscan

009328 analogscan

009329 analogscan

009330 analogscan

009331 analogscan

009332 analogscan *

009333 diff tune global threshold -t 2500

009334 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009335 diff tune global preamp -t 10000 7

009336 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009337 diff thresholdscan

009338 diff thresholdscan

009339 diff thresholdscan

009340 lin tune global threshold -t 2500

009341 lin tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009342 lin tune global preamp -t 10000 7 cant

009343 lin tune global preamp -t 10000 7

009344 lin tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009345 lin tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009346 lin thresholdscan

sync vth 100

009347 syn thresholdscan *

009348 std thresholdscan *

009349 std totscan *

009350 std discbumpscan

009351 std discbumpscan *

powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.789V 4,4A, chip4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off LCCoff 線源なし

009353 std digitalscan

009354 std digitalscan *

009355 std analogscan *

powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.789V 4,4A, chip4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off LCCon 線源なし

009356 std analogscan

009357 std analogscan noresult

009358 std analogscan

009359 std analogscan

009360 std analogscan noresult

009361 std analogscan

009363 std analogscan *

009364 diff tune global threshold -t 2500

009365 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500 止まった

009366 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009367 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009368 diff tune global preamp -t 10000 7

009369 diff tune global preamp -t 10000 7

009370 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009371 diff thresholdscan *

009372 lin tune global threshold -t 2500

009373 lin tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009374 lin tune pixel threshold -t 2500

009375 lin tune global preamp -t 10000 7

009376 lin tune global preamp -t 10000 7

009377 lin pixel threshold -t 2500

009378 lin tune pixel threshold -2500

009379 lin thresholdscan

009380 lin thresholdscan *

sync vth 100

009381 syn thresholdscan *

009382 std thresholdscan *

009383 std totscan *

009385 std discbumpscan

009388 std discbumpscan


atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, LCCon 線源なし

008583 digitalscan

008587 analogscan -m 0 maa

008590 noisescan -m 0 13s data not valid マスクはなし

008581 noisescan -m 0 18s マスクはなし

008592 analogscan -m 0

008593 analogscan

008594 analogscan -m 1

008595 analogscan -m 1dataなし

008596 analogscan -m 1 <-このマスクを採用

008597 noisescan -m 0 24s ノイズなし

008598 noisescan -m 0 29s ノイズなし

008599 noisescan -m 0 13s ノイズなし

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip1,diff,lin ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V, LCCon 線源あり trig thr 31.0mV

008600 exttriggerscan 54s

trig thr 33.2

008601 exttriggerscan 173s 測定後191mV

trig thr 32.2mV

008602 exttriggerscan 63s

008603 exttriggerscan data notvalid 1800s 1回

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip4,diff,lin ,triggerboard on, sensorHV おん LCCon 線源あり trig thr

chip4やってみる 先日の最初はよかったので 途中で悪くなったのはtrig thrが変わったためだと思う

008605 exttriggerscan 78s

008606 exttriggerscan 1969s

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip2,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off LCCon 線源なし trig thr

config thr 2500

008610 digitalscan

008613 analogscan

008614 diff tune global threshold -t 2500

008615 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

008616 diff thresholdscan

008617 lin thresholdscan

008618 std thresholdscan

008619 noisescan -m 0

008620 noisescan 16s

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip2,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off LCCon 線源ari trig thr


008621 exttriggerscan 62s

008622 exttriggerscan 1844s

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip2,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off LCCon 線源なし trig thr

008623 digitalscan

008624 analogscan

008625 std thresholdscan (008577と同じであればOK)

008626 noisescan -m 0 12s

008627 noisescan -m 0 10s

008628 noisescan

008629 noisscan

008630 noisescan

trig thr 34.0mV

008630 exttriggerscan

008631 exttriggerscan 45s

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip3,diff,lin ,triggerboard on, sensorHV on LCCon 線源ari
trig thr

trig thr 33.4

008632 exttriggerscan 164s

008633 exttriggerscan 4432s

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip3,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV on LCCon 線源なし

disc bumpとかとる

008634 discbumpscan

008635 totscan

008636 thresholdscan

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip3,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV on LCCoff 線源なし

008637 analogscan

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV on LCCoff 線源なし

008640 discbumpscan

008641 discbumpscan

008642 discbumpscan

008643 discbumpscan

008644 discbumpscan

008645 discbumpscan

008646 discbumpscan

008647 discbumpscan

008648 discbumpscan

powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV on LCCoff 線源なし

008648 discbumpscan

vth 150


synvth 80

008655 analogscan

synvth 400

008656 analgoscna

synvth 100

008657 analogscna

008658 syn thresholdscan

008659 syn thresholdscan

powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV on LCCoff 線源なし

008660 syn thresholdscan

synvth 120

008661 syn thresholdscan

008680 std discbump

008681 syn thresholdscan

008689 syn analogscan

powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip3,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV on LCCon 線源なし

008692 std discbumpscan

008693 analogscan

powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV on LCCoff 線源なし

008697 analogscan

008698 totscan

powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV on LCCon 線源なし

008700 totscan

powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV on LCCoff 線源なし

008701 analogscan

008706 analogscan

powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV on LCConf 線源なし

008707 analogscan

008708 std thresholdscan

008709 std totscan

008710 std discbumpscan

008714 std discbumpscan

powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip2,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV on LCCooff 線源なし

008716 analogscan


synvth 120

008717 analogscan *

powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip2,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV on LCCon 線源なし

008720 analogscan *

008722 thresholdscan

008723 totscan

008724 thresholdscan


synvth 150

008726 syn thresholdscan

008727 std discbumpscan

powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV on LCCoff 線源なし

008729 std analogscan

powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.772V 4,4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV on LCCon 線源なし

008734 std analogscan

008735 std totscan

008737 std thresholdscan

syncvth 180

008738 syn thresholdscan

synvth 221

008739 syn thresholdscan

008740 std discbumpscan

008741 std discbumpscan

synvth 120

008742 syn thresholdscan

008743 std discbumpscan

module 4

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.770V 4,4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV off LCCoff 線源なし

008745 digitalscan

008746 digitalscan


008747 digitalscan

008748 digitalscan

008749 analogscan

008750 analogscan

008751 analogscan


008752 analogscan

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.770V 4,4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV off LCCon 線源なし

008753 analogscan

008754 analogscan


008755 analogscan *

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.770V 4,4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV off LCCoff 線源なし

008756 analogscan

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.770V 4,4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV off LCCon 線源なし


008757 diff tune global threshold -t 2000

008758 diff tune pixel threshold -t 2000

008759 analogscan

config default

008761 analogscan

008762 digitalscan

008763 digitalscan

008464 digitalscan

008465 analogscan

008466 analogscan

008467 analogscan

008468 analogscan

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.770V 4,4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -30V -0.39uA LCCon 線源なし

008469 analogscan

pow cyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.770V 4,4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -30V -0.39uA LCCon 線源なし

008470 analogscan

008471 analogscan

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.770V 4,4A, chip2,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV off LCCon 線源なし

008472 digitalscan

008473 digitalscan

008474 digitalscan

008475 digitalscan

008476 digitalscan cant

powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.770V 4,4A, chip2,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV off LCCoff 線源なし

008477 digitalscan

008478 digitalscan

008479 analogscan

powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.770V 4,4A, chip2,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV off LCCon 線源なし

008480 analogscan


008481 analogscan



008482 analogscan

008483 analogscan

008484 analogscan


線源はNo13 atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.773V 4.4A, chip3,diff,lin ,triggerboard 5V 0.065A 62V , sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源ありNo13 LCC on

trig thr 34.0mV

008063 exttriggerscan 3600s

線源はNo13 atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.773V 4.4A, chip3,diff,lin ,triggerboard 5V 0.065A 62V , sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源ありNo13 LCC on


008064 exttriggerscan 3600

線源はNo13 atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.773V 4.4A, chip4,diff,lin ,triggerboard 5V 0.065A 62V , sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源ありNo13 LCC on

trig thr 36.7 mV

008066 exttriggerscan 3600

線源はNo13 atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.773V 4.4A, chip2,diff,lin ,triggerboard 5V 0.065A 62V , sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源ありNo13 LCC on

trig thr 33.9 mV

008067 exttriggerscan 3611s

線源はNo13 atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.773V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin ,triggerboard 5V 0.065A 62V , sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源ありNo13 LCC on

trig thr 31.9 mV

008069 exttriggerscan data not valid 10回

線源はNo13 atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.773V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin ,triggerboard 5V 0.065A 62V , sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源ありNo13 LCC on

trig thr 35.1 mV

008070 exttriggerscan 3600s



atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.769V 4.4A, chip2,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源なし LCC on

線源なしでtrig のノイズをみる

trig thr 35.3mV

008035 digitalscan

008037 exttriggerscan 1003s

trig thr 69.0mV

008038 exttriggerscan 15381s

trig thr 86.9mV

008039 exttriggerscan 466s

008040 exttriggerscan 331s

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.769V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin ,triggerboard 0.5V 0.065A, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源あり円柱のNO1 LCC on

008041 digitalscan

008042 exttriggerscan 301s HVかけてない 線源ずれてる

008043 exttriggerscan 300s trig 432279 hit3020 線源ずれてる

008044 exttriggerscan 310s

008045 exttriggerscan 419s

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.769V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin ,triggerboard 0.5V 0.065A, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源あり円柱のNO1 LCC on

trig rate 50Hzになるようにtrig thr を上げる

trig thr 183.1

008047 exttriggerscan 297

trig thr 236.7

008048 exttriggerscan 60s

trig thr 156.1mV

008049 exttriggerscan 79s

008050 exttriggerscan 308s

trig thr 64.0mV

008051 exttriggerscan 300s

trig thr 83.1mV

008052 exttriggerscan 323s

trig thr 56.3mV

008053 exttriggerscan 300s

trig thr 34.4mV 

008054 exttriggerscan 338s datanot valid 2回

008055 exttriggerscan 333s

trig thr 49.9mV

008056 exttriggerscan 300s

trig thr 34.0

008057 exttriggerscan 3600s data not valid3回

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.769V 4.4A, chip1,3,diff,lin ,triggerboard 0.5V 0.065A, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源あり円柱のNO1 LCC on


trig thr 34.0

008061 exttriggerscan 3600s






atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip2,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源なし LCC on

007579 noisescan -m 0 10s


scans/rd53a_midorikawaないに10s noisescan


(noisescan -p 10s


noisescan -p -m 0 10s


noisescan -p -m 0 10s


ちなみにshellはコマンドごとにsleep1をつけないと cantestablioshやplotfromdirもエラー

007599 analogscan -m 1

007600 noisescan 10s

007601 noisescan -m 0 10s

007602 noisescan -m 0 10s


~007629 noisescan -m 0 10s



atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源なし LCC on

007632 analogscan -m 1 no result

007633 analogscan cant establish

007634 analogscan

007635 noisescan 10s

007636 noisescan -m 0 10s

007637 noisescan -m 0 10s




atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip1,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源なし LCC on


007646 analogscan -m 1

007647 noisescan 10s

007648 noisescan -m 0 10s

007649 noisescan -m 0 10s

007647 noisescan 10s でマスクまあまあ


LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.766V 4.4A, chip1,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源なし LCC on

007656 analogscan -m 0

007657 noisescan 10s cantestablish

007658 noisescan -m 0 10s cantestablish

007659 noisescan -m 0 10s cantestablish

007660 noisescan -m 0 10s cantestablish chip3で止まってる

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.766V 4.4A, chip1,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源なし LCC on

007662 analogscan -m 0

007663 noisescan -m 0 38s

007666 noisescan 10s

007667 noisescan -m 0 10s

007668 noisescan -m 0 10s

007669 noisescan 0m 0 43s

007670 noisescan 10s

007671 noisescan -m 0 10s cantestablish

007672 noisescan -m 0 10s

007673 noisescan 10s

007674 noisescan -m 0 10s

007675 noisescan -m 0 10s

007677 noisescan 10s

007678 noisescan -m 0 10s

007679 noisescan -m 0 10s

007681 noisescan 10s

007682 noisescan -m 0 10s

007683 noisescan -m 0 10s

007684 noisescan 10s

007685 noisescan -m 0 10s

007686 noisescan -m 0 10s

007687 noisescan 10s

007688 noisescan -m 0 10s

007689 noisescan -m 0 10s

007690 noisescan 10s

007691 noisescan -m 0 10s

007692 noisescan -m 0 10s cant establish

007693~007698 noisescan cant establish chip4がダメ

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.766V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源なし LCC on

007700 digitalscan よくない

007701 analogscan

007702 noisescan 10s

007703 noisescan -m 0 10s

007704 noisescan -m 0 10s


007725 noisescan 10s

007726 noisescan -m 0 10s

007727 noisescan -m 0 10s

~007733 noiseマスクいっぱいのものはない

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.766V 4.4A, chip1,2,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源なし LCC on

007735 digitalscan -m 0

007736 analogscan -m 0

007737 analogscan -m 1

007739 noisescan 10s

007740 noisescan -m 0 10s

007741 noisescan -m 0 10s


007742 analogscan -m 1

007743 noisescan 10s

007744 noisescan -m 0 10s

007745 noisescan -m 0 10s


007747 analogscan -m 1 no result

007748 analogscan -m 1

007749 noisescan 10s

007750 noisescan -m 0 10s

007751 noisescan -m 0 10s

007752 noisescan 10s chip1,2で同じ位置にlinにマスク

007753 noisescan -m 0 10s

007754 noisescan -m 0 10s

007756 noisescan 10s

007757 noisescan -m 0 10s

007758 noisescan -m 0 10s

007759 noisescan 10s

007760 noisescan -m 0 10s

007761 noisescan -m 0 10s

007762 noisescan 10s

007763 noisescan -m 0 10s

007764 noisescan -m 0 10s

~007770 noisescan cantestablish

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip1,2,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源なし LCC on

007771 digitalscan

007772 noisescan 10s

007773 noisescan -m 0 10s

007774 noisescan -m 0 10s

007775 noisescan 10s

007776 noisescan -m 0 10s

007777 noisescan -m 0 10s

007778 noisescan 10schip1,2で同じ位置にlinにマスク

007779 noisescan -m 0 10s

007780 noisescan -m 0 10s


atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源なし LCC on

007782 digitalscan

007783 analogscan -m 0

007785 analogscan -m 1


LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源なし LCC on

007798 analogscan -m 1

007799 noisescan 10s 全てのchipで同じ場所にマスク

007800 noisescan -m 0 10s

007801 noisescan -m 0 10s

007802 noisescan cantestablish

007803 noisescan -m 0 10s

007804 noisescan -m 0 10s

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源なし LCC on

007812 noisescan 10s 全てのchipで同じ場所にマスク

007813 noisescan -m 0 10s

007814 noisescan -m 0 10s

007815 noisescan 10s 全てのchipで同じ場所にマスク

007816 noisescan -m 0 10s

007817 noisescan -m 0 10s

007819 noisescan 10s

007820 noisescan -m 0 10s

007821 noisescan -m 0 10s

007822 noisescan 10s 全てのchipで同じ場所にマスク

007823 noisescan -m 0 10s

007824 noisescan -m 0 10s


LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源なし LCC on

007825 digitalscan

007826 analogscan -m 0

007827 analogscan -m 1 chip3 十字ノイず

007828 analogscan -m 1cantestablish

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.768V 4.4A, chip2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源なし LCC on

007835 analogscan -m 1 chip3noisy chip4 線

007836 analogscan -m 1 chip4であのnoisemaskみたいなのがいる!!!#

cant establish

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.768V 4.4A, chip2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源なし LCC on

007840 analogscan -m 1 OK

007841 noisescan 10s

007842 noisescan -m 0 10s

007843 noisescan -m 0 10s

007844 noisescan 10s diff同じ場所ノイズ

007845 noisescan -m 0 10s

007846 noisescan -m 0 10s

007847 noisescan 10s 同じ場所ノイズ

007848 noisescan -m 0 10s

007849 noisescan -m 0 10s

007852 noisescan 10s

007853 noisescan -m 0 10s

007854 noisescan -m 0 10s

007855 noisescan 10s

007856 noisescan -m 0 10s

007857 noisescan -m 0 10s


LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.768V 4.4A, chip2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源なし LCC on

007862 noisescan 10s

007863 noisescan -m 0 10s

007864 noisescan -m 0 10s

007869 noisescan 10s

007870 noisescan -m 0 10s

007871 noisescan -m 0 10s

007872 noisescan 10s

007873 noisescan -m 0 10s

007874 noisescan -m 0 10s


LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.768V 4.4A, chip2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源なし LCC on

007872 noisescan 10s

007873 noisescan -m 0 10s

007874 noisescan -m 0 10s

007875 noisescan 10s

007876 noisescan -m 0 10s

007877 noisescan -m 0 10s

007878 noisescan 10s

007879 noisescan -m 0 10s

007880 noisescan -m 0 10s

cant estavlish

007891 noisescan 10s

007892 noisescan -m 0 10s

007893 noisescan -m 0 10s

007894 noisescan 10s

007895 noisescan -m 0 10s

007896 noisescan -m 0 10s

cant establish

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.768V 4.4A, chip2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源なし LCC on

007907 noisescan 10s

007908 noisescan -m 0 10s

007909 noisescan -m 0 10s

007910 noisescan 10s

007911 noisescan -m 0 10s

007912 noisescan -m 0 10s


LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.768V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源なし LCC on

007913 digitalscan

007914 noisescan cant establish

007915 noisescan 10s

007916 noisescan -m 0 10s

007917 noisescan -m 0 10s

007918 analogscan -m 1

007919 noisescan cant establish

007920 noisescan 10s

007921 noisescan -m 0 10s

007922 noisescan -m 0 10s

007923 noisescan 10s chip4diffにあのマスク!!!#

007924 noisescan -m 0 10s

007925 noisescan -m 0 10s

007926 noisescan cant establish

007927 noisescan cant establish

007928 noisescan 10s

007929 noisescan -m 0 10s

007930 noisescan -m 0 10s


LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.768V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源なし LCC on

007937 analogscan -m 1

007938 analogscan -m 1 noisy

007939 analogscan -m 1

007940 noisescan 10s

007941 noisescan -m 0 10s

007942 noisescan -m 0 10s cant

007943 noisescan 10s

007944 noisescan -m 0 10s

007945 noisescan -m 0 10s

cant establish

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.768V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源なし LCC on

007965 noisescan 10s

007966 noisescan -m 0 10s

007967 noisescan -m 0 10s

007968 noisescan 10s

007969 noisescan -m 0 10s

007970 noisescan -m 0 10s

cant establish

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.768V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源なし LCC on

007981 noisescan 10s

007982 noisescan -m 0 10s

007983 noisescan -m 0 10s

cant establish 全然通らん


LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.768V 4.4A, chip2,,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源なし LCC on

008001 digitalscan 十字

008002 digitalscan 十字

008003 digitalscan OK#

008004 analogscan -m 0 十字

008005 analogscan -m 0

008006 analogscan -m 0 十字

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.768V 4.4A, chip2,,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源なし LCC on

008007 analogscan -m 0

008008 analogscan -m 1

008009 analogscan -m 1

008010 analogscan -m 1 cant establish

008011 analogscan -m 1 四角

008012 analogscan -m 1

008013 noisescan -m 0 8s

008014 noisescan -m 0 12s

008015 noisescan -m 0 12s

008016 noisescan -m 0 17s 全くなし

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.768V 4.4A, chip2,,diff,lin ,triggerboard5V0.065A 62V, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源なし LCC on

trig thr 82.5mV

008018 exttriggerscan 435s

trig thr 89.3mV

008019 exttriggerscan 276s

trig thr 89.3mV

008020 exttriggerscan 3617s

trig thr 99.1mV

008021 exttriggerscan 874s

trig thr 108.4mV

008022 exttriggerscan 337s

trig thr 110.5mV

008023 exttriggerscan 321s

trig thr 119.1mV

008024 exttriggerscan 300s

trig thr 120mV

008025 exttriggerscan 300s

trig thr 43.4mV

008026 exttriggerscan 316s

trig thr 65.5mV

008027 exttriggerscan 340s

trig thr 83.6mV

008028 exttriggerscan 420s

trig thr 75.5mV

008029 exttriggerscan 330s

trig thr 81.2mV

008030 exttriggerscan 370s

008031 exttriggerscan 3618s

線源を1、2の上に atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.768V 4.4A, chip1,2,,diff,lin ,triggerboard5V0.065A 62V, sensorHV -50V 0.00020uA, 線源なし LCC on


008032 exttriggerscan 426s

008033 exttriggerscan 7200s


17:53:56 data not valid


008034 exttriggerscan 1670s


atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip3,diff,lin ,triggerboard on sensorHV on, 線源あり LCC on

007547 exttriggerscan 5s

007548 exttriggerscan 4s

trig thr 72.8 mV

007550 exttriggerscan 3600s 線源シンチをchip1の上のままだった。。。

線源シンチをchip4の上にatlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip4,diff,lin ,triggerboard on sensorHV on, 線源あり LCC on

007552 digitalscan

trig thr 73.2mV

007553 exttriggerscan 3600s

線源シンチをchip3の上にatlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip3,diff,lin ,triggerboard on sensorHV on, 線源あり LCC on

trig thr 73.8mV

007555 exttriggerscan

triggerrate hitrate が高いtrig thrを変えてとってみる

trig thr 73.6 mV

007556 exttriggerscan 300s

trig thr 78.8mV

007557 exttriggerscan 352s測定後trig thr 81.2mV

trig thr 91.5mV

007558 exttriggerscan 350s測定後trig thr 94.5mV

trig thr 103.8mV

007559 exttriggerscan 321s測定後trig thr 108.7mV

trig thr 116.1mV

007560 exttriggerscan 323s測定後trig thr 108.7mV

trig thr 63.9mV オシロで150mV

007561 exttriggerscan 392s

trigger threをみてるところが違った・

trig thr 79.0mV

007562 exttriggerscan 342s

trig thr 75.4mV

007563 exttriggerscan 463s

trig thr 63.0mV

007564 exttriggerscan 314s

trig thr 63.1mV

007565 exttriggerscan 5096s

trig thr 68.9mV

007566 exttriggerscan 331s

trig thr 86.7mV

007567 exttriggerscan 402s

trig thr 70.0mV

007569 exttriggerscan 318s

trig thr 79.2mV

007570 exttriggerscan 376s

trig thr 53.5mV

007571 exttriggerscan 300s

trig thr 57.2mV->測定後51.5mV

007572 exttriggerscan 300s

trig thr 51.5mV

007573 exttriggerscan 340s

trig thr 63.0mV

007574 exttriggerscan 300s

trig thr 33.5mV

007575 exttriggerscan 300s

線源シンチをchip2の上にchip3も見てたatlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip2,3,diff,lin ,triggerboard on sensorHV on, 線源あり LCC on

trig thr 77.2mV

007576 exttriggerscan 40s

007577 exttriggerscan 113s

線源シンチをchip2の上にatlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip2,diff,lin ,triggerboard on sensorHV on, 線源あり LCC on

007578 exttriggerscan 3628s


atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on

007379 digitalscan (22,22)almost OK

007380 digitalscan (16,16) chip2,3noisy

007381 digitalscan (16,16) chip4 Block

007382 digitalscan (16,16) noisy

007383 digitalscan 1,2,3(16,16) 4(17,16) maskずれ

007384 digitalscan 1,2,3(16,16) 4(17,16) 1,4 noisy

007385 digitalscan 1,2,3(16,16) 4(17,16) PERFECT#

007386 digitalscan 1,2,3(16,16) 4(17,16)almostOK

007387 analogscan dataなし

007388 analogscan cant establish

007389 analogscan 2,3,4noisy

007390 analogscan 2,4 おかしい

007391 analogscan 2,4 noisy

007392 analogscan 3,4 noisy

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on

007393 analogscan 4chipの時と変わらず


7401 cant establish

LV powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on

007402 analogscan chip4oaksii

007403 analogscan 3(16,16) 4(22,16) noisy

007404 analogscan 3(16,16) 4(22,16)almost OK

007405 analogscan 3(16,16) 4(20,16) data なし

007406 analogscan 3(16,16) 4(20,16)almost OK

007407 analogscan 3(16,16) 4(20,16)akmost OK

007408 analogscan 3(16,16) 4(20,16)akmost OK

007409 analogscan 3(16,16) 4(20,16)akmost OK

007410 analogscan 3(16,16) 4(18,16) chip4 noisy

007411 analogscan 3(16,16) 4(18,16) chip4 noisy

007412 analogscan 3(16,16) 4(19,16) chip4 noisy

007413 analogscan 3(16,16) 4(20,16) chip3,4 noisy

007414 analogscan cantestablish

007415 analogscan cantestablish

007417 analogscan 3(16,16) 4(20,16) chip3noisy

007418 analogscan 3(16,16) 4(20,16)

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on


1(16,16), 2(16,16), 3(16,16), 4(20,16)

007419 analogscan 2noisy

007420 analogscan 2,3noisy

007421 analogscan data なし

007422 analogscan cantestablish

007423 analogscan 2noisy

007425 analogscan 1(16,16), 2(17,16), 3(16,16), 4(20,16) 2おかしい

007426 analogscan 1(16,16), 2(18,16), 3(16,16), 4(20,16) 1noisy

007427 analogscan 1(16,16), 2(18,16), 3(16,16), 4(20,16) 4noisy

007428 analogscan no result

007429 analogscan 1(16,16), 2(18,16), 3(16,16), 4(20,16) 2,4noisy

007430 analogscan 1(16,16), 2(18,16), 3(16,16), 4(20,16) 2noisy 4おかしい

007431 analogscan cantestablish

007432 analogscan 1(16,16), 2(18,16), 3(16,16), 4(20,16) almost OK#

Trim 1(16,16), 2(18,16), 3(16,16), 4(20,16)
atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.0016uA, 線あり LCC on

007433 noisescan-m 0 08:42:17~08:42:18 60s noisy

007434 analogscan マスク-m 1

007435~ cantestablish

LV powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.0016uA, 線源あり LCC on

007436 analogscan -m 1

007437 noisescan -m 0 08:46:58~0847:58 60s noiseが同じ シンチとか入ったまま

007437 noisescan 10s

007438 noisescan -m 0 noisy

007439 noisescan 15s

007446 noisescan -m 0 60s

007447 noisescan 15s

007448 noisescan -m 0 noisy

007449 noisescan 19s

007452 noisescan -m 0 60s noise

007453 noisescan -m 0 9s

007456 noisescan 9s

007458 noisescan -m 0 60s 良さげ l1idは微妙かも

007459 noisescan -m 0 336s noisy

LV powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.0016uA, 線源なし LCC on

007460 noisescan -m 0

007461 noisescan 40s

007462 noisescan -m 0 60s noisy

007463 noisescan -m 0 1s

007464 noisescan -m 0 8s noiseはないがよくわからん

007473 noisescan -m 0


007474 noisescan -m 0 300s *#線源なし

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.0016uA, 線源あり LCC on

007475 noisescan -m 0 11s noisy

007476 noisescan -m 0 cant establish

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.0016uA, 線源あり LCC on

007488 noisescan -m 0 10s noisy

007489 noisescan -m 0 1s なし

007490 noisescan -m 0 5s なし

007491 noisescan -m 0 30s 良い#

cant establish

007495 noisescan -m 0 300s良い#

007496 noisescan -m 0 cant establish

007497 noisescan -m 0 300s良い#*

線源とセンサーの位置を少し離した atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.0016uA, 線源あり LCC on

007498 noisescan -m 0 300s noisy

007499cant establish~007503

LVpowcyc 線源とセンサーの位置を少し離した atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.0016uA, 線源あり LCC on

007504 noisescan-m0 325s noisy

LVpowcyc 線源とセンサーの位置を少し離した atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.0016uA, 線源あり LCC on

007505 noisescan-m0 30s 良い

007506 noisescan -m 0 300s chip4以外良い

~007510 noisescan cant establish

LVpowcyc 線源とセンサーの位置を少し離した atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.0016uA, 線源あり LCC on

007511 noisescan -m 0 54s ok

007512 noisescan -m 0


LVpowcyc 線源とセンサーの位置を少し離した atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.0016uA, 線源あり LCC on

007519 noisescan -m 0 300s 良い#*

LVpowcyc 線源とセンサーの位置を少し離した atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.0016uA, 線源あり LCC on

007523 noisescan -m 0 13s

Ext triggerを試す。

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.0016uA, 線源あり LCC on


comparator threshold 86.1mV

007526 exttriggerscan 329s だいぶ良さげ#

comparator threshold 114.5mV

007527 exttriggerscan 295s

comparator threshold 55.8mV

007528 exttriggerscan data not valid 274s

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.0016uA, 線源なし LCC on

comparator threshold


comparator threshold98.1mV

007529 exttriggerscan 324s

LVpowcyc  atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.0016uA, 線源あり LCC on

007530 exttriggerscan 301s

trig thrをかえるとlatencyが合わなくなってる?

std_exttriggerscan latency 216->218

007531 exttriggerscan 377s

comparator threshold80.7mV

007532 exttriggerscan 302s

線源なし atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.0016uA, 線源なし LCC on

007533 exttriggerscan 321s

007534 noisescan 300s 線源なしrandom trigger scan

線源ありシンチあり atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.0016uA, 線源あり LCC on


007535 noisescan

線源ありシンチなし atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.0016uA, 線源あり LCC on

007536 noisescan

線源を線ケースから取り出して線源ホルダーで固定 atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.0016uA, 線源あり LCC on

trig thr79.7mV

007537 exttriggerscan 336s よろしい!#*

007538 exttriggerscan

007539 noisescan ケースから取り出した後をみる1800s シンチあり

シンチなしatlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.0016uA, 線源あり LCC on

007540 noisescan-m0 シンチなし 1800s

線源をchip2の上にして atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip2,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.0016uA, 線源あり LCC on

007541 exttriggerscan 600s dataなしMISS

007543 exttriggerscan 700s good

007544 exttriggerscan 709s

007545 exttriggerscan 615s

007546 exttriggerscan 704s



atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.771V 4.4A, chip2,3,4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV on, 線源なし LCC on

007139 digitalscan OK#

007140 analogscan 右上ノイジー

007141 analogscan 右上ノイジー

LAKMIN Configファイルの”CmlTapBias0”のところのDefaultが600になっているところを800とか1000に変えてみてください

→現状cmltapbias 600

007144 digitalscan

007145 analogscan


~007163 analogscan

cmltapbias 800

007164 digitalscan

007165 analogscan


~007183 analogscan

cmltapbias 1000

007184 digitalscan

007185 analogscan


~007203 analogscan


→cmltapbias 600

chip2,3,4をtuning2500 10000 7

cant establishが大量

007220 digitalscan

tuning 3000 2500 10000 7



007226 diff tune global threshold -p -t 2500

~007234 diff tune pixel threshold -p -t 2500 全てcant establish

LV powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.771V 4.4A, chip2,3,4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on

007235 diff tune pixel threshold -p -t 2500 OK

007236 diff tune global preamp -p -t 10000 7 OK

007237 diff tune pixel threshold -p -t 2500 cant establish

007238 diff tune pixel threshold -p -t 2500 cant establish

config 007236

007239 diff tune pixel threshold -p -t 2500 cant establish

007240 diff tune pixel threshold -p -t 2500 mask stage63

007242 diff tune pixel threshold -p -t 2500 OK

007243 std thresholdscan OK#

007244 std totscan 全然ダメ

07245 diff tune global preamp -m -t 10000 7

007256 std totscan OK#


007248 lin tune global threshold -p -t 2500

007249 lin tune pixel threshold -p -t 2500


007251 lin tune global threshold -p -t 3000

007252 lin tune pixel threshold -p -t 3000

007253 lin retune global threshold -p -t 2500

007254 lin retune pixel threshold -p -t 2500

007255 lin tune global preamp -p -t 10000 7

007256 lin retune pixel threshold -p -t 2500

007257 std thresholdscan OK

007258 std totscanOK


007258 syn tune global threshold -p -t 2500

007259 syn tune global preamp -p -t 2500 cantestablish

LV powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip2,3,4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on

config 007259

007268 syn tune global preamp -p -t 10000 7

007269 syn tune global threshold -p -t 2500

007270 std thresholdscan cant establish

LV powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip2,3,4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on

007280 std thresholdscan

007281 std totscan tot tuneできてない

007282 diff tune globalpreamp -p -t 10000 7 OK

007283 lin tune globalpreamp -p -t 10000 7 OK

007284 syn tune globalpreamp -p -t 10000 7 合ってない

007285 syn tune globalpreamp -p -t 10000 7 OK

007286 std totscan

007287 std thresholdscan dataなし

007288 std thresgoldscan OK

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on

007289 digitalscan cant establish

LV powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on

007290 digitalscan cantestablish

007291 digitalscan cantestablish

007292 digitalscan cantestablish

007293 digitalscan chip4以外OK

007294 digitalscan cantestablish

007295 digitalscan cantestablish

007296 digitalscan cantestablish

007297 digitalscan chip4以外OK

007299 digitalscan chip3,4以外OK

007300 digitalscan chip4ダメ

LV powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,2,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on

007301 digitalscan まあ

007302 digitalscan まあ

007303 digitalscan chip1 noisy

007304 digitalscan PERFECT!!#

007305 analogscan chip2 noisy

007306 analogscan almost oK

007307 analogscan cant establish

007308 analogscan cant establish

007309 analogscan almost OK

007310 analogscan almost OK

007311 analogscan chip2 noisy

007312 analogscan cant establish

007313 analogscan chip2 squareBlock

007314 analogscan almost OK!#

007315 totscan OK#

007316~007323 thresholdscan canterstablish

LV powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,2,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on

007324 thresholdscan OK#

007325 discbumpscan dataないs

007326 discbumpscan OK#

LCCoff atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,2,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC off

007327 analogscan OK#


atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip3,4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on

007329 digitalscan almost OK

007330 digitalscan chip4noisy

007331 digitalscan noresult

007332 digitalscan PERFECT#

007333 analogscan cant establish


LV powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip3,4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on

007340 analogscan どっちもBLOCK

007341 analogscan OK#

007342 totscan OK#

007343 thresholdscan ダメ

007344 thresholdscan OK#

007345 discbumpscan almostOK

007346 discbumpscan cantestablish

007347 discbumpscan

007348 discbumpscan

007349 discbumpscan

007350 discbumpscan dataなし

007351 discbumpscan

007352 discbumpscan

007353 discbumpscan OK#

LCCoff atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,2,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV on, 線源なし LCC on

007355 analogscan OK#


atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,2,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard 5V0.028A60V1uA , sensorHV -50V-0.00020uA,, 線源なし LCC on

comp threshold 124.8mV->57.2mV

007356 exttriggerscan 12:09:22~12:15:02 340s

synoffatlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,2,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard 5V0.028A60V1uA , sensorHV -50V-0.00020uA,, 線源なし LCC on

007357 exttriggerscan 13s

007358 exttriggerscan 12:22:34~14:17:40 6906s




atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,2,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard 5V0.028A60V1uA , sensorHV -50V-0.00020uA,, 線源なし LCC on

007359 digitalscan

007360 exttriggerscan 16:37:43~ 16:45:59 1096s scintiずれてた?

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,2,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard 5V0.028A60V1uA , sensorHV -50V-0.00020uA,, 線源なし LCC on


007365 exttriggerscan 17:53:19 300sMISS
atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.799V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard 5V0.028A60V1uA , sensorHV -50V-0.00020uA,, 線源なし LCC on

007366 exttriggerscan 17:58:51~18:03:51 300sMISS

007367 exttriggerscan 17:05:24~17:10:24 300s スペーサー1個

007368 exttriggerscan 18:24:39~18:24:57 318s スペーサー2個

007369 exttriggerscan 18:42:11~18:49:29 438s スペーサー3個

007370 exttriggerscan 18:54:17~18:59:17 300s

007372 exttriggerscan 19:04:17~19:09:17 398s

007373 exttriggerscan 19:25:50~19:30:50 300s dataなし


007374 exttriggerscan 19:54:22~20:01:36 434s




007016 diff thresholdscan

007017 diff tune pixelthreshold 1800

007018 diff thresholdscan dataなし

007019 diff thresholdscan OK->次は2000にtuning

007020 diff tune globalhreshold 2000

007021 diff tune pixelthreshold 2000

007022 diff thresholdscan よくない

DiffVth1 268 280にして

007023 diff tune pixelthreshold 2000

007024 diff thresholdscan

DiffVth1 320にして

007025 diff tune pixelthreshold 2000

007026 diff thresholdscan

DiffVth1 380にして (limit 512)

007027 diff tune pixelthreshold 2000

007028 diff thresholdscan OKなので2100にする

007029 diff tune globalthreshold 2100

007031 diff thresholdscan Vth1を上げないと

DiffVth1 420 にして (limit 512)

007032 diff tune globalthreshold 2100

007033 diff thresholdscan


007034 diff

007035 diff tune pixelthreshold 2000

007036 diff thresholdscan noresult

007037 diff thresholdscan

config 7034

007038 diff tune pixelthreshold 2000 ダメ

config defaultに戻す。

007039 diff thresholdscan

007040 diff tune globalthreshold 2000(vth1 250->304になってる)

007041 diff thresholdscan

007042 diff tune pixelthreshold 2000

007043 diffthresholdscan まあOK

007044 diff tune globalthreshold 2500

007045 diffthresholdscan

config 7043

007046 diff tune globalthreshold 2500

007047 diff thresholdscan noresult

007048 diff thresholdscan ダメ

007049 diff thresholdscan ダメ

config 007039(defaultと同じconfig)

007050 diff tune globalthreshold 2500

007051 diff tune pixelthreshold 2500 ダメ

config 007050

007053 diff thresholdscan scanこけてる?

007054 diff thresholdscan

config 007039defaultと同じconfig)

007055 diff thresholdscan scanこけてる?

007056 diff thresholdscan

config default 持ってくる007039のbeforeに値ある()

007057 diff tune globalthreshold 2500(どうやらなんかスキャンするとbeforeでもparameterに値入る)

007058 diff tune globalthreshold -p -t 2500 まあOK(さっきのがこけてたのか、2回やったから合ったのかわからん)

config 7043 2000になってる

007059 diff thresholdscan OK

DiffVth1 324 にして (limit 512)

007060 diff tune pixelthreshold -p -t 2100

007061 diff thresholdscan dame

007062 diff thresholdscan

DiffVth1 344 にして (limit 512)

007063 diff tune pixelthreshold -p -t 2100

007064 diff thresholdscan

007065 diff tune pixelthreshold -p -t 2200

config 7059

DiffVth1 330 にして (limit 512)

007066 diff tune pixelthreshold -p -t 2200

DiffVth1 320 にして (limit 512)

007067 diff tune pixelthreshold -p -t 2200 mask stage 63で

config default Vth1 250
007068 diff tune globalthreshold -p -t 2200
007069 diff tune globalthreshold -p -t 2200

007070 diff tune pixelthreshold -p -t 2200

007071 diff threshold ダメ

diff_thresholdscan Scurveを書く範囲をかえる 広くする(200になってる)

007072 std thresholdscan (Vcaldiff 300)

007073 diff tune globalthreshold -p -t 2500

007074 std thresholdscan

007075 diff tune pixelthreshold -p -t 2500

007076 std thresholdscan

007077 std thresholdscan data not valid

007078 std thresholdscan 2500tuningできた!#

007079 diff tune globalpreamp -p -t 10000 7

007080 diff totscan cant establish

007081 diff totscan no result

007082 diff totscan no result

007083 diff totscan dataなし

007084 diff totscan OK!#

007085 diff tune pixelthreshold -p -t 2500

007086 std thresholdscan

次にlinear のtuning 2500にする

007087 lin tune globalthreshold -p -t 3000

007088 lin tune pixelthreshold -p -t 3000

007089 std thresholdscan

007090 lin retune globalthreshold -p -t 2500

007091 lin retune pixelthreshold -p -t 2500

007092 std thresholdscan

007093 lin retune pixelthreshold -p -t 2500

config 7030に

007094 lin tune pixelthreshold -p -t 2500

007095 thresholdscan data not valid

007096 thresholdscan OK#

007097 totscan

007098 lin tune globalpreamp -p -t 10000 7

007099 totscan OK#

007103 noisescan -m 0

007104 analogscan -m 0

007105 analogscan -m 0

007106 analogscan -m 0

007107 noisescan -m 1 10s

007108 noisescan -m 0 10s

007109 noisescan -m 0

007110 noisescan

007111 noisescan -m 0 10s

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.797V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin ,triggerboard on, sensorHV on, 線源なし LCC on

コンパレータのthreshold 53.7mV

007112 exttriggerscan 10s

num of trigger 70355 rate 7000Hz

num of hits 253 rate 25Hz

->efficiency 0.0036

007113 exttriggerscan 300s 43:24~48:24 300s


Ext. trigger

w/ source 5min: 007113

w/o source 5min:007116


Noise scan trigger

w/ source: 007118

w/o source: 007117


Ext. triggerはlatencyがthresholdを変えたんで


Kimu 、18:13

Latency 216にしました

Latency 変えて

Ext. trigger

w/ source 5min: 007124

カバーをとってさらに線源を直においていたのをジグの上に atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.797V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin ,triggerboard on, sensorHV on, 線源なし LCC on

007125 exttriggerscan 330s (comparatorのthreshold 54.2mV)

compのthreshold上げてevent rate変わらなかったらDAQのリミットになっている


007126 exttriggerscan 358s 32:41~38:39(comparatorのthreshold 128.2mV)トリガー数減った



atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.773V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on

006797 digitalscan

006798 analogscan

009799 analogscan

009800 analogscan noresult

009801 analogscan

009802 analogscan

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.773V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on

config 6782

006804 analogscan

006805 analogscan -m 1

006806 analogscan -m 1

006807 analogscan -m 1 cant establish

006808 analogscan -m 1 四角

006809 analogscan -m 1 noresult

006810 analogscan -m 1 縦横線

006811 analogscan -m 1

006812 analogscan -m 1

006812 analogscan -m 1 OKということで#


latencyを合わせるためにSCC(single chipcard)を使う

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.8V 530mA, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, SINGLE LCCoff


006882 digitalscan

006886 analogscan -m 1

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.8V 530mA, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, SINGLE LCC200 線源あり

006887 analogscan -m 1

006888 analogscan -m 0

006889 digitalscan -m 1

006890 digitalscan -m 1

006891 digitalscan -m 1

006892 digitalscan -m 0

006893 analogscan -m 0

006895 analogscan -m 1

006897 noisescan 10s

diffのみ atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.8V 530mA, chip1,diff ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, SINGLE LCC200 線源あり

006898 noisescan 10s

diffのみ atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.8V 530mA, chip1,diff ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, SINGLE LCC200 線源なし

006899 noisescan -m 1 10s

006900 noisescan -m 0 10s

diffのみ atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.8V 530mA, chip1,diff ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, SINGLE LCC200 線源あり

mask をdiffのしただけにすrう

std_exttriggerscan latency 200

006901 exttrggerscan 10s

std_exttriggerscan latency 210

006902 exttrggerscan 10s

std_exttriggerscan latency 220->OK?

006904 exttrggerscan 10s

std_exttriggerscan latency 230

006905 exttrggerscan 10s(220よりも減った)

std_exttriggerscan latency 240

006906 exttrggerscan 10s(増えた?)

std_exttriggerscan latency 250

006907 exttrggerscan 10s

std_exttriggerscan latency 190

006909 exttrggerscan 10s

std_exttriggerscan latency 210

006910 exttrggerscan 10s

std_exttriggerscan latency 215 OK!#

006911 exttrggerscan ~s

006912 exttrggerscan 10s

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.769V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源あり LCC on

006913 digitalscan

LV powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard 5V0.028A60V1uA , sensorHV -50V-0.00020uA, 線源あり LCC on

006920 digitalscan

006921 exttriggerscan 60s

LV powcycLV高い? atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.797V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard 5V0.028A60V1uA , sensorHV -50V-0.00020uA, 線源あり LCC on

006922 digitalscan

006924 exttriggerscan 11:56:09~12:31:54 2145s

006925 exttriggerscan 34:26~39:26 300s

線源近づけた atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.797V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard 5V0.028A60V1uA , sensorHV -50V-0.00020uA, 線源あり LCC on


006926 exttriggerscan 51:22~56:22 300s

006927 exttriggerscan 04:33~34:33 1800s

1のcableを新しいのにしてみる 線源近づけた atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.797V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard 5V0.028A60V1uA , sensorHV -50V-0.00020uA, 線源あり LCC on

006928 exttriggerscan 42:35~47:35 300s


006929 exttriggerscan 58:04~03:44 340s


006930 exttriggerscan 10:54~17:43 409s

MPPC 印加電圧60V->印加電圧61V board59.5 印加電圧62V board60.5

006931 exttriggerscan 14:25:26~14:30:26 300s

triggerboardのコンパレータのthreshold 70.3mV->53.2mV

006932 exttriggerscan 14:41:56~14:46:56 300s

->total~3000hit 8000pixels hitrate =1800/(8000*300) = 0.00125[Hz]


num of trigger 2469065

->trig rate = 2469065/300=8230.22[Hz]

->efficiency = hit rate / trig rate = 0.00125/8230.22 = 1.52e-7

006933 exttriggerscan 14:55:43~15:55:48 3605s

num of trigger

006934 noisescan

maskを全体にするために006928 のconfigを持ってくる

006935 noisescan -m 0 10s

006936 noisescan 10s

006937 noisescan -m 0 10s

006938 noisescan 10s

006939 noisescan -m 0 10s

006940 noisescan 10s

006941 noisescan -m 0 10s

006942 noisescan 300s14:43 ~ 19:43

006941 noisescan -m 0 10s

006942 digitalscan -m 1

006943 analogscan -m 0

006944 noisescan -m 0


3000 2500 10000 7

~006951 diff_tune_globalpreampまでOKこっからチューニングし直し

006959 thresholdscan

006960 totscan

DiffVff 78->50

006961 totscan

DiffVff 50->20

006962 totscan 山二つ

006963 totscan

DiffVff 20->50

006964 totscan

config 6950

006967 thresholdscan

006970 diff thresholdscan noresult

006971 diff thresholdscan

006972 diff totscan

006973 ~tuning

3000 2500 10000 7


006989 diff thresholdscan

006990 diff totscan

config 6978

006991 diff thresholdscan

config 6977

006992 diff thresholdscan

config 6976

006993 diff thresholdscan


atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.774V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on

006548 digitalscan

006549 analogscan

006550 analogscan

006551 analogscan almost OK*

006552 digitalscan

006553 digitalscan PERFECT!*

006554 totscan

006555 totscan almost OK*CHIP1

006556 thresholdscan 2scurve

006557 thresholdscan almost OK* 2scurve

006558 discbumpscan

006559 discbumpscan

006560 discbumpscan

006561 discbumpscan

006562 discbumpscan

006563 discbumpscan

006564 discbumpscan

006565 discbumpscan

006566 discbumpscan almost OK*

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.774V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC OFF

006567 analogscan

006568 analogscan

006569 analogscan

006570 analogscan

006571 analogscan

006572 analogscan almost OK*

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.774V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.00020uA, 線源なし LCC OFF

006573 analogscan

006574 analogscan almost OK

006575 analogscan almost OK*

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.774V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.00020uA, 線源なし LCC ON

006576 analogscan

006577 analogscan

006578 analogscan almost OK*

006579 digitalscan

006580 digitalscan

006581 digitalscan PERFECT!*

006582 discbumpscan

006583 discbumpscan

006584 discbumpscan noresult

006585 discbumpscan almostOK*

006586 discbumpscan

006587 totscan OK*

006588 thresholdscan

006589 thresholdscan

006590 thresholdscan OK*

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.774V 4.4A, chip2,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC ON

chip2 tuning 2000 1500 10000 7


006603 lin_retune_finepixelthresholdまでOK

006604 lin_tune_finepixelthreshold data not valid大量


006605 thresholdscan OK!#

006606 totscan

006607 lin_tune_globalpreamp -p -t 7

006608 totscan->分かれていてダメ!!


LinKurmCurr 46->30

006609 totscan

LinKurmCurr 30->10

006610 totscan

LinKurmCurr 10->6

006611 totscan

LinKurmCurr 6->8

006612 totscan no result

006613 totscan OK#


006614 syn_tune_globalthreshold -p -t 1500

006615 thresholdscan これであってんのか?

006616 syn_tune_globalthreshold -p -t 1500

006617 thresholdscan

006618 syn_tune_globalpreamp -p -t 7

006619 totscan 山がずれてだけ

006620 syn_tune_globalthreshold -p -t 1500

006621 thresholdscan 山あり

006622 syn_tune_globalpreamp -p -t 10000 7

006623 totscan 山がずれてる

006624 syn_tune_globalpreamp -p -t 10000 7

006625 totscan 山2つ

006626 syn_tune_globalthreshold -p -t 1500

006627 thresholdscan OK#

006628 totscan 山2つ

006629 syn_tune_globalpreamp -p -t 10000 7

006630 totscan 山2つ

006631 syn_tune_globalpreamp -p -t 10000 7

006632 totscan noresult

006633 totscan

syncibiaskurm 76->50

006634 totscan 山は2つのまま

006635 syn_tune_globalpreamp -p -t 10000 7

006636 totscan 山二つ

006637 thresholdscan noresult

006638 thresholdscan 山は1つだがピークは1800

006639 syn_tune_globalthreshold -p -t 1500

006640 thresholdscan ずーっとSCurve書いてる→ctrlC

006641 thresholdscan おかしい

006642 syn_tune_globalthreshold -p -t 1500

006643 thresholdscan OKOK!#

006644 totscan 山一つ

syncIbiaskrum 76->40

006645 totscan

syncIbiaskrum 40->20

006646 totscan

syncIbiaskrum 20->10

006647 totscan 山二つ


syncIbiaskrum 10->20

006648 totscan

syncIbiaskrum 20->15

006649 totscan cantestablish

006650 totscan almost OK 5#

syncIbiaskrum 15->10

006651 totscan 山2つ

syncIbiaskrum 10->13

006652 totscan2つになりかけ

syncIbiaskrum 13->14

006653 totscan 2つになりかけ almost OK

006654 std_totscan diffのtotずれてる

DiffVff 78->50

006661 diff_totscan

DiffVff 50->20

006662 diff_totscan

DiffVff 20->10

006663 diff_totscan 山2つ

DiffVff 10->15

006664 totscan 山2つ

DiffVff 15->18

006665 totscan 山2つ

DiffVff 18->19

006666 totscan 山2つ

DiffVff 19->20

006667 totscan 山広い

config 6662にする

DiffVff 20

006668 totscan 山広い

006669 thresholdscan やま1000

006670 diff_tune_globalthreshold -p -t 1500

006671 diff_tune_pixelthreshold -p -t 1500

006672 diff_tune_globalpreamp -p -t 10000 7

006673 diff_tune_pixelthreshold -p -t 1500

006674 diff_tune_finepixelthreshold -p -t 1500

006675 diff_thresholdscan

006676 diff_thresholdscan 綺麗な山ではない

DiffVth1 276->286(globalなthresholdをかえる)

006677 diff_tune_pixelthreshold -p -t 1500(TDAC(pixelごとのthreshold)をかえる)

006678 thresholdscan

006679 diff_retune_pixelthreshold

006680 thresholdscan

config006678 にする

006681 diff_retune_pixelthreshold

config 006670にする

006682 thresholdscan

006683 diff_tune_pixelthreshold -p -t 1500 cant establish

006684 diff_tune_pixelthreshold -p -t 1500


006685 diff_tune_pixelthreshold -p -t 1500

006686 threshodscan cant establish

006687 thresholdscan OK!#

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.774V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC ON

external triggerscan をやる

006688 digitalscan

006689 digitalscan

006690 digitalscan

006691 digitalscan

006692 digitalscan

006693 digitalscan

006694 digitalscan

PC再起動 atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.774V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC ON

specBenchmarkDma OK

006700 digitalscan (22,16)


006707 digitalscan

006708 digitalscan

006709 digitalscan

006710 digitalscan

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.774V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC ON

006712 digitalscan

006713 digitalscan cant establihs

006714 digitalscan chip4noisy

006714 digitalscan can't establish

006715 digitalscan

006716 digitalscan cant establish

006717 digitalscan cant establish

006718 digitalscan cant establish

006719 digitalscan cant establish

006720 digitalscan cant establish

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.774V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC ON

006724 digitalscan

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.774V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC ON

006737 digitalscan

006738 digitalscan

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.774V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源あり LCC ON

006739 exttiggerscan 12:08:02~MISS

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.774V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard 60V0.028A,5V0.002A, sensorHV -50V 0.0001uA, 線源あり LCC ON

006740 exttiggerscan 12:13:10~13:33:18->4808s

lakminACにatlaspc14, moduleLV 1.774V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard 60V0.028A,5V0.002A, sensorHV -50V 0.0001uA, 線源あり LCC ON

006741 digitalscan


006747 digitalscan

lakminACにatlaspc14, moduleLV 1.774V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard 60V0.028A,5V0.002A, sensorHV off, 線源あり LCC ON

006748 digitalscan

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.774V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard 60V0.028A,5V0.002A, sensorHV off, 線源あり LCC ON

006759 digitalscan

006760 digitalscan




006765 exttriggerscan 2280s latency 230

006766 exttriggerscan controller specconfig CfgExtTrigger.jsonを使う60s

006767 exttriggerscan controller specconfig Cfg.json 80s

std_exttriggerscan latency 230-> 200

006768 exttriggerscan controller specconfig Cfg.json 60s

std_exttriggerscan latency 200-> 210

006769 exttriggerscan controller specconfig Cfg.json 100s

std_exttriggerscan latency 210-> 220

006769 exttriggerscan controller specconfig Cfg.json s

std_exttriggerscan latency 220-> 200

006771 exttriggerscan controller specconfig CfgExtTrigger.json 60s

std_exttriggerscan latency 200-> 210

006772 exttriggerscan controller specconfig CfgExtTrigger.json 60s

std_exttriggerscan latency 210-> 220

006773 exttriggerscan controller specconfig CfgExtTrigger.json 60s

std_exttriggerscan latency 220-> 230

006774 exttriggerscan controller specconfig CfgExtTrigger.json 60s

std_exttriggerscan latency 230-> 240

006775 exttriggerscan controller specconfig CfgExtTrigger.json 60s

std_exttriggerscan latency 240-> 250

006776 exttriggerscan controller specconfig CfgExtTrigger.json 60s

std_exttriggerscan latency 250-> 200

006777 exttriggerscan controller specconfig CfgExtTrigger.json 17:04:48~17:09:48

std_exttriggerscan latency 200-> 210

006778 exttriggerscan controller specconfig CfgExtTrigger.json 17:11:08~17:16:08

std_exttriggerscan latency 210-> 220

006779 exttriggerscan controller specconfig CfgExtTrigger.json 17:16:31~17:21:31

std_exttriggerscan latency 220-> 230

006780 exttriggerscan controller specconfig CfgExtTrigger.json 17:22:01~17:27:01

std_exttriggerscan latency 230-> 240

006781 exttriggerscan controller specconfig CfgExtTrigger.json 17:27:48~17:32:48

std_exttriggerscan latency 240-> 250

006782 exttriggerscan controller specconfig CfgExtTrigger.json 17:33:12~17:38:12

make_HitbusMask.cxxnoisyでないrow0~200くらいのみONにして diffのみ 

std_exttriggerscan latency 250-> 200

006783 exttriggerscan 600s 何もマスクされてない

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.774V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard 60V1uA,5V0.0028A, sensorHV -50V -0.0007uA, 線源あり LCC ON

maskをcol264~, row~60にして(diffの下側)

std_exttriggerscan latency 200

006785 exttriggerscan 19:36:11~19:41:11 300s

006786 exttriggerscan 60s

std_exttriggerscan latency 210

006787 exttriggerscan 60s

std_exttriggerscan latency 220

006788 exttriggerscan 60s

std_exttriggerscan latency 230

006789 exttriggerscan 60s

std_exttriggerscan latency 240

006790 exttriggerscan 60s

std_exttriggerscan latency 250

006791 exttriggerscan 60s

std_exttriggerscan latency 190

006792 exttriggerscan 60s

std_exttriggerscan latency 205

006793 exttriggerscan 60s

std_exttriggerscan latency 200

006795 exttriggerscan 60s

std_exttriggerscan latency 210

006796 exttriggerscan 60s


atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC off

006299 digitalscan chip4 noisy

006300 digitalscan cant establish

006301 digitalscan almost OK

006302 analogscan OK

006303 analogscan cantestablish



LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC off

006307 analogscan chip2 おかしい

006308 analogscan cantestablish chip4

006309 analogscan 4chipともヤバイ

006310 analogscan no result

006311 analogscan cant establish

006312 analogscan almost OK LVのpowcycしないといけない感じかと思ったら通った

006313 analogscan chip3 noisy

006314 analogscan almost OK

LCCEnableにする 200

006315 analogscan cant establish

006316 analogscan noisy

006317 analogscan cant establish


006321 analogscan cantestablish

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on

006322 digitalscan cant establish

006323 digitalscan almost

006324 digitalscan cant establish

006325 digitalscan OK!

006326 analogscan noresult

006327,28 analogscan cant establish

006329 analogscan

FPGAボードを XpressK7->Trentzに PC再起動→reboot

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on

cant establish->reboot,LVpowcycしても改善しない


digitalscan (24,16)->(16,16)


LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on

006351 digitalscan

006354 digitalscan (16,16) OK?

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip2,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on

006360 digitalscan(16,16)

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip3,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on

006361 digitalscan(16,16)OK

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on

006362 digitalscan(16,16)almost OK

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on


006366 digitalscan cant establish

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on

006367 digitalscan (16,16) almost OK

std_digitalscan frequency 5000->1000

006368 digitalscan (16,16)

006369 digitalscan (16,16) frequency を下げても変わらん

std_digitalscan frequency 1000->5000 元に戻す

006370 analogscan -m 1

std_digitalscan frequency 10000->5000

006371 analogscan -m 1 almost OK

tuning 2000 1500 10000 7 chip1

006372~tuning->006376 difflin_globalpreampp mask stage 63で止まる20分maskstage63のまま

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on


006377 diff_thresholdscan

global preamp を飛ばす。

006379 diff_tune_globalthreshold.json -p -t 1000 ->山の形を保ったままずらす


006380 pixelthreshold -p -t 1000

006381 diff_thresholdscan


DiffVth1 112->102

006382 diff_thresholdscan noresult

006383 diff_thresholdscan かわラズ

DiffVth1 102->92

006384 diff_thresholdscan 下がりすぎ感

DiffVth1 92->100

DiffVth2 50->55

006385 diff_thresholdscan

Lcc 200->300

006387 analogscan

006388 analogscan 悪い

006389 digitalscan (20,16)

006390 digitalscan(17,16) almost OK

006391 analogscan

006392 digitalscan(18,16)

006393 analogscan noisy

006394 analogscan (17,16) 悪い 四角mask!!

006395 analogscan noisy

006396 tune_globalthreshold -p -t 1000->mask stageで止まる。


006397 digitalscan


006398 analogscan 変わらず

006399 analogscan 変わらず

006400 analogscan noisy

006401 analogscan -m 1

006402 analogscan -m 1 groundPCから外す

006403 analogscan -m 0 変わらず

006404 diff_tune_globalthreshold -p -t 1000 うまくいってない

006405 diff_tune_globalthreshold -p -t 1000

006406 thresholdscan

006405 totscan

006406 totscan

DiffVff 50->55

006407 totscan かわらん

DiffVff 55->70

006408 totscan

006409 totscan

006410 totscan

006411 totscan

DiffVff 70->75

006412 totscan

DiffVff 75->80

006413 totscan

DiffVff 75->80

config 6413のconfigを持ってくる

006415 totscan

DiffVff 80->90

006416 totscan 変わらず

006417 diff_tune_globalpreamp -t 7

006418 diff_retune_globalthreshold -p -t 1000 maskstage60で止まる(maskstep4なので63で止まってる気がする。)

config 006417から持ってくる

006419 totscan

006420 diff_tune_globalamp -p -t 7

config 006368から持ってくる

006421 analogscan -m 1 noisy

006422 analogscan -m 1 almost OK

006423 diff_tune_globalthreshold -p -t 1500

006424 diff_tune_pixelthreshold -p -t 1500

006425 thresholdscan maskloopっぽい

diff_thresholdscan frequency 20000->5000(std_も変えておく)

006426 thresholdscan maskloopにはなってない

diff_totscan frequency 30000->5000

006427 totscan

diff_tune_globalthreshold 20000->5000

diff_tune_pixelthreshold 5000

diff_tune_globalpreamp 30000->5000

006428 diff_tune_globalpreamp -p -t 7

006429 totscan おかしい

config 006426のを持ってくる

DiffVff 50->60

006430 totscan

DiffVff 60->40 減らす方が山が右に行く(0ー>1)とか

006431 totscan

DiffVff 40->35

006432 totscan

DiffVff 35->29

006433 totscan

DiffVff 29->22

006434 totscan

DiffVff 22->18

006435 totscan

DiffVff 18->15

006436 totscan tot7になったが山が広がっている

006437 diff_tune_globalpreamp -p -t 7

diff_tune_globalpreamp step 32->8

006438 diff_tune_globalpreamp -p -t 7 ダメ

DiffVff 78

006439 totscan

diff_tune_globalpreamp step 32

config 006432 を持ってくる

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip2,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on

006440 digitalscan noresult

006441 digitalscan dataなし

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip2,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on

006442 digitalscan pettern

006443 digitalscan pettrern

006445 digitalscan (17,16)OK

006446 analogscan -m 1 almost OK

006447 diff_tune_ globalthreshold -p -t 1500

006448 diff_tune_pixelthreshold -p -t 1500 止まる

config 006447にする

006449 diff_tune_pixelthreshold -p -t 1500 通った!

006450 thresholdscan OK

tot meanは山が真ん中にある方が良い

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on

006451 diff_tune_pixelthreshold

006452 thresholdscan

006453 thresholdscan almost OK

006454 totscan

006455 totscan

006456 totscan

Vff 15

006457 totscan ダメ

006458 digitalscan pettern

006459 digitalscan pettern

006460 totscan

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし LCC on



006468 lin_tune_globalthreshold ダメ


006469 lin_tune_globalthreshold

006470 lin_tune_pixelthreshold -p -t 1500 maskstage63止まる


006471 lin_tune_pixelthreshold -p -t 1500

006472 thresholdscan data少し

006473 thresholdscan almost OK

totをtuning 手でやるしかない

006474 lin_totscan

scan llinのtuning frequency 5000

config の LinKrumCurr <-linのVff 20

006475 totscan

config の LinKrumCurr <-linのVff 15

006476 totscan

config の LinKrumCurr <-linのVff 10

006477 totscan almost OK

006478 lin_retune_pixelthreshold ダめ

retune frequency 5000

006477 totscan almost OK

006479 lin_retune_pixelthreshold -p -t 1500 止まったmask stage 63止まる

006480 lin_retune_pixelthreshold -p -t 1500

006481 lin_retune_globalthreshold -p -t 1500 OK

006482 lin_retune_pixelthreshold -p -t 1500 ダメ

006483 lin_retune_pixelthreshold -p -t 1500 OK!

006484 thresholdscan OK


006485 syn_tune_globalthreshold -p -t 1500

006486 thresholdscan OK!

006487 totscan

006488 totscan

SynIbiasKrum : synのVff

synibiaskrum 55->45

006489 totscan

synibiaskrum 45->35

006490 totscan

synibiaskrum 35->25

006491 totscan

synibiaskrum 25->15

006492 totscan

synibiaskrum 15->10

006493 totscan data ない

006494 totscan OK!

006496 syn_tune_globalthreshold -p -t 1500

006497 thresholdscan no result

006498 thresholdscan no result

006500 thresholdscan OK

006502 noisescan -m 0 10s

006503 noisescan -m 0 10s noiseの場所同じ!

006504 noisescan 10s

006505 noisescan -m 0 10s

006506 noisescan 10s

006507 noisescan -m 0 10s 何もなし

006508 noisescan cant establish

006509 noisescan

006510 noisescan

005911 noisescan 300s

005912 noisescan -m 0 10s

005914 noisescan -m 0 120s ノイズの値は時間依存

HV on atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.00021uA, 線源なし LCC on

005915 noisescan -m 0 120s 変わらず

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.00021uA, 線源あり LCC on

005916 noisescan -m 0 210s 線源見えてる

noisescan に data archiver を追加する 

005917 noisescan -m 0 10s .rawできてる

005918 noisescan -m 0 1800s マスクでみたい角が見えない

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.00021uA, 線源なし LCC on

005919 noisescan -m 0 途中

config 006504のにする

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.00021uA, 線源あり LCC on

config 006504のにする

005920 noisescan -m 0 1800s OK

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.00021uA, 線源なし LCC on

005923 noisescan -m 0 1800s OK

triggeron synoff, atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin, sensorHV off,,triggerboard 60V0.028A,5V0.002A,  線源なし LCC on

コンパレータのthreshold 93[mV]

006525 exttriggerscan MISS

006526 exttriggerscan 10s->plotFromDir

006527 MISS

exttigger latency 125->200 data archiver 追加 .rawができる→analyseRawDataが使える(いまいちなのでreadRaw Dataを使う)


./bin/scanConsole -r configs/controller/specCfgExtTrigger.json -c configs/connectivity/ configs/scans を使う

006528 exttriggerscan ~60s

exttigger latency 200->210

006529 exttiggerscan 60s

exttigger latency 210->220

006530 exttiggerscan 60s

exttigger latency 220->230

006531 exttiggerscan 60s

exttigger latency 230->240

006532 exttiggerscan 60s

exttigger latency 230->240

006533 exttiggerscan 60s

HV on triggeron synoff, atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin, sensorHV -50V,,triggerboard 60V0.028A,5V0.002A,  線源なし LCC on

exttigger latency 200

006534 exttiggerscan 60s

exttigger latency 210

006535 exttiggerscan 60s

exttigger latency 220

006536 exttiggerscan 60s

exttigger latency 230

006537 exttiggerscan 60s

exttigger latency 240

006538 exttiggerscan 60s

exttigger latency 250

006539 exttiggerscan 60s

線源を離す atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.767V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin, sensorHV -50V,,triggerboard 60V0.028A,5V0.002A,  線源なし LCC on

exttigger latency 250

006541 exttiggerscan 60s

exttigger latency 240

006542 exttiggerscan 60s

exttigger latency 230

006543 exttiggerscan 60s

exttigger latency 220

006544 exttiggerscan 60s

exttigger latency 210

006545 exttiggerscan 60s

exttigger latency 200

006546 exttiggerscan 60s

exttigger latency 230

006547 exttiggerscan 1200s


atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.769V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

006169 digitalscan chip2 noisy

006170 digitalscan almost OK

006171 analogscan noresult

006172 analogscan almost OK

2000 1500 10000 7 tuning

LCC En 200

006228 ~tuning

途中でcant establish

->configを昨日のに戻して、LCC En

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.769V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

006247~ tuning chip1のみでtuning mask stageで止まる

006259~ mask stageで止まる

powcycLV atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.769V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

006276~ mask stageで止まる

powcycLV atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.769V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4 diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

006281 discBumpScan

006283 discBumpScan

006284 discBumpScan

006285 discBumpScan

006286 discBumpScan

006287 discBumpScan

006288 discBumpScan

006289 discBumpScan

006290 discBumpScan

006291 discBumpScan



ohioAC->DC,atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

006046 digitalscan cant establish

pc 再起動 atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

006052 digirtalscan (16,16) config通る

006053 digirtalscan (16,16) data not valid dataなし

006054 digitalscan (20,16) Block

006055 digitalscan (22,16) Block

006056 digitalscan (23,16) Block

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

006057 digitalscan (19,16) Block

006058 digitalscan (18,16) data not valid dataなし

006059 digitalscan (17,16) Block

006060 digitalscan (17,16) Block

006061 digitalscan (17,16) Block

lakminDCresiあり->DCresiなし LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

006062 digitalscan (16,16) Block

006063 digitalscan (20,16) Block

 PC再起動 cable外してないが、そのままやってみる atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし


006064 digitalscan (20,16) data not valid Block

ohio抜き差し atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし



006065 digitalscan (20,16) data なし

006066 digitalscan (20,16) OK

006067 digitalscan (20,16)noisy

006068 digitalscan (20,16) 構造

006069 digitalscan (20,16) data なし

006070 digitalscan (20,16) noisy

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

006071 digitalscan (20,16) 構造

006072 digitalscan (20,16) 構造

006073 digitalscan (20,16)構造





LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし


006076 digitalscan data not valid

reboot ohioAC lakminDCresiあり atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

specBenchmarkDma OK

006077 digitalscan 構造

006078 digitalscan noisy

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

006079 digitalscan data not valid

006080 digitalscan no result

006081 digitalscan noisy


006090 digitalscan



HVの値のbias voltageの値を変えながらみる(-20Vまでは1V刻み、~-150Vまでは10V刻みでbias voltageを下げていく)


->Chip2,3,4に300kΩの抵抗を取り付け(pull up resister)


006092 digitalscan cant establishMISS

006094 digitalscan noisy

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

006095 digitalscan (16,16)data not valid

006096 digitalscan (22,16) noisy

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

006097 digitalscan (16,16)data not valid noisy

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

006098 digitalscan (16,16)data not valid noisy

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

006099 digitalscan (16,16)cant establish

006100 digitalscan (16,16)

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

006101 digitalscan cant establish

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

006102 digitalscan (13,16) cant establish


006106 digitalscan(17,16)cant establish

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

006107 digitalscan(16,16) cant establish

006108 digitalscan(22,16)

006109 digitalscan(22,16)

006110 digitalscan(22,16)

std_digitalscan frequency 5000

006111 digitalscan(22,16)occupancy 101とか

006112 digitalscan(23,16)occupancy 101とか

006113 digitalscan(23,16)occupancy 101とか

006114 digitalscan(23,16)occupancy 101とか

006115 digitalscan(24,16)

006116 digitalscan cant establihs

006117 analogscan cantestablish

006118 analogscan OK

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

006119 digitalscan(20,16) data not valid

006120 digitalscan(21,16)noisy

006121 digitalscan (21,16) data not valid

006122 digitalscan(21,16)

006123 digitalscan(22,16)

006124 digitalscan(23,16)cant establish

006125 digitalscan(23,16)

006126 digitalscan(24,16) 0hit

006127 digitalscan(23,16)

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

006128 digitalscan(20,16)noisy

006129 digitalscan(21,16)noisy

006130 digitalscan(22,16)

006131 digitalscan(23,16)noisy

006132 digitalscan(24,16)

006133 digitalscan (22,16)hit0

006134 digitalscan (22,16)cant establish

006135 digitalscan(22,16)

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

006136 digitalscan(20,16) no result

006137 digitalscan(20,16) data not valid noisy

006138 digitalscan(21,16) no result

006139 digitalscan(22,16)no result


activelane 7

cmlen 7

parameter chipID,name


chip1: N2GW02 -10F4_3-4

chip2: N2GW02 -10F4_2-4

chip3: N2GW02 -10F4_4-4

chip4: N2GW02 -10F4_7-4

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

006140 digitalscan (22,22)

006141 digitalscan(22,22) analogscan的なノイズ

006142 digitalscan(23,16)noisy

006143 digitalscan(24,16) hit0

006144 digitalscan(22,17)

006145 digitalscan(23,17)analogscan的なノイズ

006146 digitalscan(24,17) cant establish

006147 digitalscan(24,17)perfect!

006148 digitalscan(24,17)almost

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

006149 digitalscan(22,22)almostOK

006150 digitalscan(22,16)noisy

006151 digitalscan(23,16)almost OK

006152 digitalscan(24,16)OK

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

006153 digitalscan(22,22)

006154 digitalscan(22,16) 0hit

006155 digitalscan(23,16)analogscan的なノイズ

006156 digitalscan(24,16)OK

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

006157 digitalscan(22,22)noisy

006158 digitalscan(22,16) almost OK

006159 digitalscan(23,16)analogscan的なノイズ

006160 digitalscan(24,16)

006161 digitalscan(24,16)

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

006162 digitalscan 0hit

006163 digitalscan

config NAME わかりにくいので変える

chip1: chip1_N2GW02-10F4_3-4

chip2: chip2_N2GW02-10F4_2-4

chip3: chip3_N2GW02-10F4_4-4

chip4: chip4_N2GW02-10F4_7-4

006164 digitalscan chip3 noisy

006165 digitalscan chip3(24,17) cantestablish

006167 digitalscan chip3Trim(24,17) 全てのchipで同じ構造あり

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

006168 digitalscan almost OK


PCのみをB2のものと取り替え atlasj@atlaspc14

→~work/RD53AQuad/ を製作


->~work/RD53AQuad/YARR 内



real_rd53a_test_1.json 2,3,4を製作


CmlEn 15->7

LccEn 0


outputActivelane 15->7


・connectivity ->real_example_rd53a_setup.jsonを製作→4chip用に

txはport1のみ使う→tx 0




atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005649 digitalscan MISS

005650 digitalscan timeout flashing

pc 再起動 atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005653 digitalscan opening connectivity or chip configs~


005654 digitalscan opening connectivity or chip configs~

controller/specCfg.jsonの数字0か /dev/内にspec0あるか

connectivity にカンマ

005655 digitalscan can’t establish

connectivity 読んでるファイルが違う

005656 digitalscan

chip1 Trim(18,20)->(16,16)

005657 digitalscan MISS

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005658 digitalscan OK->data なし

std_digitalscan.json frequency-> 10000

005659 digitalscan 構造のmask

hirose firmware install

YARR-FW/ext_trig内にhirose firmをコピー vicadoで.mcsをinstall


atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005660 digitalscan ERROR

pc再起動 atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

specBenchmarkDma OK

005661 digitalscan cant establish

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005663 digitalscan OK

005664 digitalscan OK

chip1->2 atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005665 digitalscan Trim(16,16)


005667digitalscan 構造あり

005668 digitalscan 構造あり→trimを変えた方が良いr

005669 digitalscan

chip2->3 atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005670 digitalscanOK

chip3->4 atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005671 digitalscan OK

chip1,2,3,4 atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし


005672 digitalscan (16,16) (16,16) (16,16) (16,16)cant establish

chip1,3,4 atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,3,4, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005673 digitalscan (16,16,)(16,16)(16,16) chip1もちょっとノイジー

chip1 atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005674 digitalscan (16,16,) perfect

chip2 atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005675 digitalscan (20,16) MISS

005676 digitalscan (19,16)悪くなったMISS

005677 digitalscan (20,16)

005678 digitalscan (19,16)cant establish

005679 digitalscan (20,16)

005680 digitalscan (19,16) there were no results for chip wafer66_chip2-5, this usually means that the chip did not send any data at all

005681 digitalscan(19,16) cant establish

005682 digitalscan(18,16) config通る

005683 digitalscan(17,16) config通る OK

005684 digitalscan(17,16)

chip3 atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005685 digitalscan(16,16)

chip4 atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005686 digitalscan(16,16)occupancy なし

005687 digitalscan (20,16)OK

005688 digitalscan (20,16) ちょっとノイズ

005689 digitalscan (20,16)

std_digitalscan frequency->5000

005691 digitalscan(20,16) noise あり

005692 digitalscan (16,16)noise

005694 digitalscan(17,16)割とノイジー

005695 digitalscan (18,16)noisy

005696 digitalscan (19,16)noisy

005697 digitalscan (15,16)noisy

005698 digitalscan (14,16) dataなし

005699 digitalscan (13,16) config通らない

005699 digitalscan (16,16) config通らない

005703 digitalscan (16,16)

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005704 digitalscan(16,16)noisy

005705 digitalscan(16,16)can't establish

cableの確認(3に使ってたDPcableを4で使う) LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005706 digitalscan(16,16)

005707 digitalscan(16,16)

005708 digitalscan(16,16)noisy

005709 digitalscan(17,16)

cableの確認(4に使ってたDPcableを1で使う) LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005710 digitalscan

005711 digitalscan noisy

005712 digitalscan

cableの確認(新しいcableを1に) LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005713 digitalscan noisy

005714 digitalscan

005715 digitalscan(16,16)

cableの確認(元々使ってた1のcableを1に) LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005716 digitalscan (16,16)noisy

005717 digitalscan

005718 digitalscan

005719 digitalscan

005720 digitalscan

005721 digitalscan noisy

005722 digitalscan

cableの確認(新しいcableを1に) LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005723 digitalscan まあまあ

005724 digitalscan noisy

005725 digitalscan OK

cableの確認(新しいcableを4に) LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005726 digitalscan config通らない

005727 digitalscan config通らない

005728 digitalscan

cableの確認(抜き差し確認) LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005729 digitalscan config通らない

(cablingをいじってないchip2) LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005730 digitalscan cant establish

005731 digitalscan cant establish

 atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005739 digitalscan OK

 atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005740 digitalscan OK


 atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005742 digitalscan OK

005743 digitalscan 構造が見える。

 LV powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005744 digitalscan chip4以外はOK

005745 digitalscan 1、2、3、4ノイジー

 LV powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005746 digitalscan OK! perfect

005747 digitalscan OK! perfect

005748 digitalscan OK! chip2,3 is noisy

005749 digitalscan cant establish

005750 digitalscan OK! chip4 is noisy

005751 digitalscan OK! chip3 is noisy

005752 digitalscan there were no results for chip

005753 digitalscan OK! perfect

005754 digitalscan 構造あり

005755 digitalscan chip1のみちょっとnoisy

005756 digitalscan cant establish

005757 digitalscan cant establish

005758 digitalscan cant establish

 LV powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005759 digitalscan only chip3 is noisy

005760 digitalscan only chip4 is noisy

005761 digitalscan cant establish

005762 digitalscan chip1,2 is noisy

005763 digitalscan chip3 is noisy

005764 digitalscan chip2 is noisy

005765 analogscan

005766 analogscan

lakmin kaeru

005767 digitalscan all chip is noisy

005768 digitalscan all chip is noisy

std_digitalscan frequency 5000->20000

005778 digitalscan 悪い

std_digitalscan frequency 5000->10000

005779 digitalscan わるい

005780 digitalscan noisy chip4のlinがなぜか値なし

005781 digitalscan


005782 cantestablish

lakmin resiter なしDC

chip 1、2、3、4 通らない

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005802 digitalscan chip1のみconfig 通る

005803 digitalscan

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005808 digitalscan chip2 ok

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005809 digitalscan chip3 ok

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005810 digitalscan chip4 なんかわるい

005811 digitalscan chip4なんか悪い

005812 digitalscan chip4 なんか悪い

cable3を4にatlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005814 disitalscan OK

005815 digitalscan ちょっとノイズ

005816 digitalscan ちょっとノイズ

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし
005817 digitalscan OK
atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005818 digitalscan



activelane 15->7

CmlEn 15->7


chipID 1

Name Wafer66_Chip1-5

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005819 digitalscan

005820 digitalscan Trim(16,16)MISS

005821digitalscan Trim(16,16)OK

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし


005822 digitalscan MISS

005823 digitalscan noisy

005824 digitalscan cant establish(16,16)

005825 digitalscan cant establish(17,16)

LVpowcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005826 digitalscan config通る(17、16) ちょっとノイジー

005827 digitalscan (18,16) ちょいノイジー

005830 digitalscan (16,16) ちょいノイジー

005831 digitalscan (19,16) ちょいノイジー

005832 digitalscan (20,16) cantestablish

005833 digitalscan (20,16) injection多い

005834 digitalscan(21,16) injectio

005835 digitalscan(22,16)data not valid 全然ダメ

005836 digitalscan (16,16)OK

005837 digitalscan (16,16) there were no results

005838 digitalscan (16,16 )OK

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし


005839 digitalscan (22,22)

005840 digitalscan (16,16)OK

005841 digitalscan (16,16)no results

005843 digitalscan(16,16)OK

cable3を3に atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし


005844 digitalscan(16,16config通らない

LV powcyc cable3を3に atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005854 digitalscan Trim(16,16) noisy

005855 digitalscan Trim(16,16) noisy

005856 digitalscan Trim(17,16)noisy

005857 digitalscan Trim(18,16)noisy

005858 digitalscan (19,16)OK

005859 digitalscan (19,16)OK

chip2 atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし


005860 digitalscan (16,16)no result

005861 digitalscan (16,16)noisy

005862 digitalscan (17,16)no result

005863 digitalscan (17,16)OK

005864 digitalscan(17,16) noisy

005865 digitalscan (17,16)

005866 digitalscan (17,16)OK

005867 digitalscan (18,16)OK

005868 digitalscan (18,16)injection

005869 digitalscan


chip1 16,16

chip2 18,16

chip3 19,16

chip4 16,16

cable(new 4)を4に atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005872 digitalscan chip2,3 noisy


005873 digitalscan PERFECT

005875 digitalscan chip4 noisy

005876 digitalscan

std_digitalscan frequency 20000

005877 digitalscan noisy

std_digitalscan frequency 5000

005878 digitalscan config 通らない

std_digitalscan frequency 10000

005883 digitalscan chip4 noisy

005884 digitalscan cant establish

LV powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし
lakmin board DCw/o resister->DCw/resister
LV powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005894 digitalscan injection

005895 digitalscan cant establish

005896 cant establish


005897 digitalscan cant establish

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005899 digitalscan ちょっとnoiziー

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005900 digitalscan OK

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005901 digitalscan ちょいノイじ

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005902 digitalscan 通らない

cable3を4に atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005903 digitalscan 通るが

005904 digitalscan OK

005905 digitalscan noisy

oldcable4を3にcable3を4に atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005906 digitalscancant establish

LV powcyc oldcable4を3にcable3を4に atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005907 digitalscan cant establishMISS

005908 digitalscan config通る OK(16,16)

005909 OK

oldcable4を3にcable3を4に atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005914 digitalscan noisy

005915 digitalscan (17,16)noisy

005916 digitalscan (18,16)

005917 digitalscan (19,16)noisy

005918 digitalscan(20,16) cant establish

005919 digitalscan (16,16)OK

005920 digitalscan (16,16)noisy

005921 digitalscan (16,16)noisy

005922 digitalscan(16,16) noisy

005923 digitalscan(15,16)noisy

005924 digitalscan cant establish

005925 digitalscan(16,16 )cant establish

LVpowcyc oldcable4を3にcable3を4に atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005926 digitalscan(16,16

005927 digitalscan (16,16)OK

005928 digitalscan (16,16)OK

LVpowcyc oldcable4を3にcable3を4に atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005929 digitalscan noisy

005930 digitalscan


LVpowcyc oldcable4を3にcable3を4に atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし


LVpowcyc oldcable4を3にcable3を4に atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,3,4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし


LVpowcyc oldcable4を3にcable3を4に atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005944 digitalscan OK

LVpowcyc oldcable4を3にcable3を4に atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005945 digitalscan (16,16)OK

005946 digitalscan (16,16 )OK

LVpowcyc oldcable4を3にcable3を4に atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005947 digitalscan cant establish

LVpowcyc oldcable4を3にcable3を4に atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005948 digitalscan cantestablish

LVpowcyc cable元にどす atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4,diff,lin ,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005950 digitalscan OK

005951 digitalscan noisy

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005953 digitalscan OK

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005954 digitalscan cantestablish

005955 digitalscan config 通る

005956 digitalscan

LV powcyc atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005963 digitalscan config通るinjectionの

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005964 digitalscan OK

005965 analogscan -m 0ダメlccdis

005966 analogscan -m 0 ダメ

005967 analogscan -m 0 dame lccdis

005968 analogscan -m 0 damelccdis

std_analogscan frequency 30000->10000

005970 analogscan -m 0lccdis

005971 analogscan -m 0lccdis

005972 analogscan -m 0lccdis OK

LCC Enable

005973 analogscan -m 0 OK

005974 analogscan -m 1

chip1 tuning 2000 1500 10000 7




005994 digitalscan OK

005995 analogscan -m 0

005996 analogscan -m 1

atlaspc14, moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,diff,lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

005997 digitalscan

005998 digitalscan

005999 thresholdscan

chip1 tuning 2500 2000 10000 7

006000 ~ tuning

0060 ダメだ!!!


moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V, 線源なし
chip4(diff,lin,syn)->tuning 3000 2500 10000 7 Trim(24,20)

002756 ~chip4 tuning →recieved data not valid

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V, 線源あり

002775 noisescan -m0 8:58:41:613開始

8:59:48:633 received data not valid

8:59:53:436 received data not valid

9:08:30:229 received data not valid

9:14:01:534 received data not valid

10:14:00:928 received data not valid

10:17:22:927 received data not valid

10:23:55:289 interrupt timeout during DMA, aborting transfer

DMA Transfer aborted (Status = 0*4)

critical error while readin data… aborting!

->一時間ちょっとでエラーで落ちる。できたファイルはscan,before configのみ

002776 noisescan -m0 10:31:35:272開始

10:41:04:328 received data not valid

10:44:40:500 received data not valid

15m 停止 ->plotFromDir

std_noisescan.json time900

002777 noisescan -m0 15m ちゃんと止まった


線源なしにしてnoisemask moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V, 線源なし

002778 analigscan -m 1

002779 noisescan 300s マスクする

002780 noisescan -m 0 3600s 11:43:54:678

11:46:07:376 received data not valid

11:57:02:895 received data not valid


moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V, 線源あり

002781 noisescan -m 0 3600s ちゃんと撮れてる noiseもなさそう

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V, 線源あり

002782 analogscan -m 1

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V, 線源なし

002783 noisescan マスクする→miss

002784 noisescan マスクする 300s

002785 noisescan -m 0 3600s 14:39~15:01 落ちた

002786 noisescan -m 0 なぜか250s 15:05~

002787 noisescan -m 0 1800s 15:14~15:44

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V, 線源あり

002788 noisescan -m 0 1800s ->全hit数8218->chipあたりのhitrate =4.56556[Hz]->1pixelあたりのhitrate=6e-5[Hz]

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V, 線源あり

002789 analogscan -m 1

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V, 線源なし

002790 noisescan マスクする 300s

002791 noisescan -m 0 1800s->20分くらいで落ちた

002792 noisescan -m 0 1800s

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V, 線源あり

threshold が2500は高すぎる→1500

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V, 線源なし

2000 1500 10000 7

002794~ tuning

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V, 線源なし

2000 1500 10000 7

002813~ tuning

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V, 線源なし

2000 1500 10000 7

002832~ tuning

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V, 線源なし

2000 1500 10000 7


002870 noisescan -m 0 10s

002871 digitalscan -m 0

002872 digitalscan -m 0

002873 noisescan -m 0

syn off-> moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4, diff,lin ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V, 線源なし

002874 threshold scan

hirose analyseRawDataをコンパイル

002875 noisescan -m 0 ->MISS

002876 noisescan

syn off-> moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4, diff,lin ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V, 線源あり

002883 std_exttriggerscan

002885 std_exttriggerscan threshold1500 syn off


log note 死亡

ohioAC lakminDC(resisterなし)

tuning chip1のみ(diff lin syn)3000 2500 10000 7

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V, 線源あり

002658 std_exttriggerscan

ohioAC lakminDC(resisterなし)

tuning chip1のみ(diff lin syn)3000 2500 10000 7

002629~ chip1 tuning

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V, 線源あり

002658 std_exttriggerscan


exttrigger は諦めて、それぞれのchipをtuning


moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2, diff ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V, 線源あり

002661 digitalscan Trim(23,20)

synもオン moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V, 線源あり

002662 digitalscan Trim(23,20)

chip2(diff,lin,syn)->tuning 3000 2500 10000 7
moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V, 線源あり

002663~chip2 tuning

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V, 線源あり

002682 digitalscan

002683 digitalscan Trim(23,16)

chip3(diff,lin,syn)->tuning 3000 2500 10000 7
moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V, 線源なし

002684 ~chip3 tuning

noisescan frequency 5000->18000

002703 noisescan -m0 10s->plotFromDir->何かいる

002704 exttriggerscan 20s ->なんとかしてoccupancy mapできた

線源入れる moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V, 線源あり

002705 noisescan -m 0 10s

002706 exttrigger 10s ->linがおかしい(analyserawdata的な)

002707 exttiggerscan ~300s


lin off -> moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3, diff,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V, 線源あり

002708 exttiggerscan 10s

002709 exttiggerscan 120s plotFromDir

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4, diff,lin,syn ,triggerboard on, sensorHV -50V, 線源あり

002710 digitalscan

002711 digitalscan 23,20

002712 digitalscan 24,20

chip4(diff,lin,syn)->tuning 3000 2500 10000 7

002713 ~chip4 tuning →tuningしなおしたい

0027 noisescan つけっぱ



Ohio card AC->DCに取り替え->ohioDC-cableDC-lakminDC

PC 起動→reboot->reboot

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002302 digitalscan can't establishcomunication, aborting

powcyc->moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002303 digitalscan can't establishcomunication, aborting

powcyc→moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002304 digitalscan config通るが recieved data not valid

->Trimを変えていく 現在Trim(20,16)

002305 digitalscan Trim(12,16)config通らない

002317 digitalscan Trim(24,16)config通らない

powcyc→moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002318 digitalscan->recieved data not valid trim(24,16) Block

powcyc→moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002319 digitalscan->recieved data not valid trim(24,16) Block

002320 digitalscan->recieved data not valid trim(24,16) Block

powcyc→moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002321 digitalscan ->recieved data not valid trim(24,16) Block

->PC reboot
moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002322 digitalscan trim(24,16)->recieved data not valid Block

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002323 digitalscan trim(24,16)->recieved data not valid Block

powcyc->moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002324 digitalscan config通らない

002325 digitalscan config通らない

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002326 digitalscan ->recieved data not valid Block

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002327 digitalscan ->recieved data not valid Block

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002328 digitalscan config通らない

reboot やはり2回rebootか
moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002334 digitalscan config 通る

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002335 digitalscan config通る

→Trimを変えていく 現在(24,16)

002336 digitalscan Trim(12,16) ->config通らない

002348 digitalscan Trim(24,16) ->config通らない

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002349 digitalscan config通る

→Trim変える 現在(24,16)

002350 digitalscan Trim(12,16)config通らない

002351 digitalscan Trim(13,16) recieved data not valid


002354 digitalscan Trim(16,16) errorなし!

002362 digitalscan Trim(24,16)


moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002363 digitalscan config通る

->Terim変えてみる 現在(24,16)

002364 digitalscan Trim(12,16) ->received data not valid


002365 digitalscan Trim(16,16) errorなし

002376 digitalscan Trim(24,24)





moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002377 digitalscan config通る

->Trim変えてみる 現在(20,20)

002378 digitalscan Trim(12,20)config通らない


002390 digitalscan Trim(24,20)config通らない←なんで


002391 digitalscan Trim(20,20) config通らない

→LVpow cyc

powcyc->moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002392 digitalscan config通る!

もう一度trim変えてみる 現在(20,20)

002393 digitalscan Trim(12,20)config通らない

002405 digitalscan Trim(24,20)config通らない なぜ

powcyc->moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002406 digitalscan Trim(24,20)config通る


002407 digitalscan Trim(12,20)config通らない

002419 digitalscan config通らない なぜ

powcyc->moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002420 digitalscan Trim(24,20)config通る

→Trim変える 24ー>12

002421 digitalscan Trim(23,20)config 通る

002126 digitalscan Trim(19,20) ->received data not validでる


002430 digitalscan Trim(15,20)->config通らない

002431 digitalscan Trim(20,20)config通らない なぜ

002432 digitalscan Trim(24,20)config通らない

powcyc->moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002433 digitalscan Trim(20,20) config通るー>触らないでおく

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002406 digitalscan config通る

→Trim変えていく 現在(24,16)

002408 digitalscan Trim(12,16)config通らない


002451 digitalscan Trim(24,16)config通らない なぜ

powcyc->moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002452 digitalsscan Trim(24,16)config通る

→Trim変える 24ー>12

002453 digitalscan Trim(23,16)


002455 digitalscan Trim(21,16) received data not valid


002457 digitalscan Trim(19,16)config通らない (can't establish communication, aborting)

002458 digitalscan Trim(20,16) config通る received data not valid

002460 digitalscan Trim(18,16) config通る received data not valid

002465 digitalscan Trim(12,16) config通らない

002466 digitalscan Trim(19,16)config通る received data not valid

002467 digitalscan Trim(22,16)config通る errorなし

002468 digitalscan Trim(24,16)


chip1 (24,16)

chip2 (16,16)

chip3 (16,16)

chip4 (20,20)

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002469 digitalscan recieve data not valid

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,2, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002470 digitalscan recieve data not valid

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002471 digitalscan recieve data not valid Trim(16,16)

002472 digitalsvan Trim(17,16) received data not valid

002473 digitalscan Trim(18,16) critical error

002474 digitalscan Trim(18,16)やっぱりこっちが最適

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3,4, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002475 digitalscan errorなし

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002476 digitalscan recieved data not valid

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2,3, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002477 digitalscan recieved data not valid

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002478~80 digitalscan errorなし

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002481 digitalscan recieved data not valid

002482 digitalscan recieved data not valid Trim(18,16)

002483~85 digitalscan Trim(19,16) errorなし

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002486 digitalscan ->received data not valid


002487 analogscan -m 1

002488 noisescan -m 0 10s occupancy 700~800

002489 noisescan -m 0 10s occupancy 4500

002490 noisescan -m 0 10soccupancy 2500 

→ noiseの位置が違う

002491 analogscan -m 1

002492 noisescan -m 0 10s

002493 noisescan -m 0 10s

002494 noisescan -m 0 10s


lakmin boardを変える

(〜8/27 ->AC lakmin board (capacita載ってる))

8/27午後〜8/28午前くらいに使っていたのは DC lakmin board(resister載っている)

->上の二つとは違うのlakminboard(DC) の high ormic resisterを全て外した。(4DPあり、1DPあたり3つのdataline,一つのdatalineにlvdsが2つあるので→4×3×2=24個)、0orm resisterをDPのところにつけた。


全ての電源を消し、lakmin board を付け替えた。PC 起動->reboot->reboot
moduleLV 1.780V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし


002503 digitalscan config通る

002504 analogscan -m 1

002505 noisescan -m 0 10s

002506 noisescan -m 0 10s

002507 noisescan -m 0 10s


002508 analogscan -m 1

002509 noisescan -m 0 10s

002510 noisescan -m 0 10s recieved data not valid

002511 noisescan -m 0 10s


→recieved data not validが出たのでもう一回trimを変えてみる?

002512 digitalscan (recieved data not valid出ない)c

crosstalk scanやってみる






002513 crosstalk

002514 crosstalk_scan ->received data not valid 長いし、大量のデータができる1211個

002515 crosstalk_scan_checkBumpBonding これも長いし大量のデータできる

→recieved data not valid


maskSize 8->1(見たいピクセルの上下左右4ピクセルにcharge injectionする)

002516 crosstalk_scan_checkBumpBonding

002517 discbumpscan

moduleLV 1.780V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.0009uA, 線源なし

002518 crosstalk_scan_checkBumpBonding

002519 crosstalk_scan_checkBumpBonding miss

002520 miss

002521 miss



step 50->500

moduleLV 1.780V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.0009uA, 線源なし

002522 crosstalk_scan step 500にしたのに変わってない→50に戻す



step 50->500



max 4000->10000

min 100->500

step 50->500

moduleLV 1.780V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.0009uA, 線源なし

002523 crosstalkscancheckbumpbonding ->scan config 変えても変わらん->違うの変えてた

configs/configs/scans (読んでるのはconfigs/scans)

moduleLV 1.780V 4.4A, chip3, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV -50V -0.0009uA, 線源なし

min 100->500

step 50->500

002525 crosstalkscan


min 500->200

step 500->200

002528 crosstalkscan よくわからん



・discbumpscan occupancy map


・LCCをdisableした analogscan

moduleLV 1.780V 4.4A, chip1,2,3,4, diff lin ,triggerboard off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002531 discbumpscan *

002532 thresholdscan *

chip config->DiffLccEn 1->0(enable->disable) chip1,2,3,4

002533 analogscan *difflcc->disable

chip config->DiffLccEn 0->1(disable->enable) chip1,2,3,4 元に戻す

002542 analogscan

YARR_testでbin/plotFromDir -i data/last_data -P png →.root 作ってくれる


002543 digitalscan

002544 totscan


PC を Power Off にして、Power Off 前と同じ状態を再現できるか?

  1. PC Power Off, Sensor HV Off, Module LV Off
  2. DP - miniDP cable を抜く (全部)
  3. PC Power On
  4. DP -miniDP cable をさす (全部)
  5. Module LV On
  6. Digital scan -> Ok! (Power cycle が必要だった)
  7. Analog scan -> Ok!
  8. Noise scan -> Ok!
  9. Exttrigger scan -> Trigger数0, Triggerが受け取れていない
(※JTAGは繋いだままでOkだった、DPはPower Offする時抜いて挿し直す必要がある。Module LVも一度Offにする必要がある。)

廣瀬さんの最新FW(exttrigger)をbit file焼いていた

Power Offしたから、前のFWに戻っていた(前のFWは最新FWのmaster)


最新FW(exttrigger)のmcs fileを焼き直す


  1. vivadoを開く
    source /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/
  2. [Open Hardware Manager]
  3. [Auto Connect](※JTAGでPCとTrentz Boardを繋ぐ)
  4. Hardware box [xc7k160t_0]の上で右クリック→[Add Configuration Memory Device]
  5. Search boxで「mt25qu256」と入れると「mt25qu256-spi-x1_x2_x4」がでてくる
    選択して, Ok
  6. いますぐMemory Device焼きますか?って聞かれるのでOkをクリック
    もしくは、Hardware box [mt25qu256…]の上で右クリック→[Program Configuration Memory Device]
  7. [Configuration file]に焼きたいmcs fileを選択
  8. [PRM file]に入れておきたいPRM fileを選択
  9. Ok
  10. 「Success full!」とでたら、Power Off→Reboot

2回目のPC Power Off再現性の確認

  1. FWを焼いた後PC Power Offした
  2. DP - miniDPを抜く, Module LV Off, Sensor HV Off
  3. Power On
  4. DP - miniDOさした
  5. Module LV Onにした
  6. Power Cycleが必要だった
  7. rebootした
  8. Digital scan コンフィグが通らない
  9. Power Cycleした
  10. Digital scan 少しdata not valid、chip3だけdigital pulseが返ってこないpixelが多い()

FWが変わったから?でもbit fileと同じはずなのに



  1. Sensor HV Off, Module LV Off
  2. DP - miniDPを抜いた
  3. PC reboot
  4. PC立ち上がったら, DP - miniDPをさした
  5. Sensor HV On, Module LV On
  6. Digital scan ->コンフィグが通らない
  7. Power Cycle
  8. DIgital scan ->コンフィグが通らない
  9. Power Cycle
  10. Digital scan
  11. miniDPのつながりを確認
  12. Digtal scan

Power Offしてもう一度立ち上げる

  1. Power Off
  2. DP - miniDP cable を抜く
  3. Power On
  4. DP - miniDP cable をさす
  5. Module LV On
  6. Digital scan -> コンフィグが通っていない
  7. Power Cycle
  8. Digital scan -> コンフィグ通った、data not validが少し出る、
    chip3だけdigital pulse が返ってこないpixelが多い
Trim【20、16】 002154→Datanotvalidは出ていない→Chip3は他のチップと同じくらいのノイズになった




もう一度Power Offにして、再現性を確かめる

  1. PC Power Off
  2. LV Off
  3. DP-miniDP抜く
  4. PC Power On
  5. DP-miniDPさす
  6. LV On
  7. Digital scan -> 「Can't establish communication, aborting!」つまりコンフィグが通っていない
  8. Power Cycle
  9. Digital scan -> Configが通った、data not valid出ていない、Occupancyもノイズはのっているが、Block Patternにはなっていない
  1. analog scan -> Ok
  2. noise scan -> Ok(やっぱり4chip同時読み出しだと、ノイズの場所が同じ
  3. hit数も同じぐらい5s 140~180のノイズがのった)
  4. exttrigger scan ->Trigger受け取れていた、ノイズ乗っていそうな感じ

digital scanに安定して、ランダムなノイズが乗るか?


3回 digital scan(002161、002162、002163)


Ohio card の registerを外してみる


ohio card のresister を外した。->これでnoiseが載らなくなるはず


specBenchmarkDMA OK


moduleLV pow cyc



Ohio cardを抜き差したあとは2回reboot!!!

moduleLV 1.779V 4.4A 4chip diffのみ見てる

digitalscan -> noise 乗ってる

002166 digitalscan ->noise乗ってる

moduleLV 1.779V 4.4A chip1のみ diffのみ見てる

002169~71 digitalscan ->noise乗ってる


002172〜73 digitalscan -> noise乗っている

002174 digitalscan ->noise乗ってない

002175 digitalscan ->noise乗っている

digitalscanのfrequency 5000->1000

002176~78 digitalscan ->noise乗っている

digitalscanのfrequency 1000->10000

002179 digitalscan ->まあまあ

002180~81 digitalscan →noise乗っている

002182 noisescan -m 0 10s

002183 noisescan -m 0 10s

moduleLV 1.779V 4.4A chip1のみ diffのみ見てる sensorHV -50V -0.0008uA、 線源あり

002184 nosiescan -m 0 10s

002185 nosiescan -m 0 10s ->Recieve not data , lin on にしていないのになぜかデータある。

002186 noisescan -m 0 10s

002187 noisescan -m 0 10s ->毎回違うところにノイズ

->->Ohio カードのresisterとってもnoise変わらない?

moduleLV 1.779V 4.4A, chip1のみ, diffのみ見てる, sensorHV -50V -0.0008uA, triggerboard HV 60V ~1uA LV 5V 0.28A、 線源あり

002188 exttriggerscan -m 0 10s

->analyseRawData ちょっと hit 11 L1id 11

002189 exttriggerscan -m 0 10s recieved data not valid

->analyseRawData 何もデータなし hit0 L1id0

002190,91 exttriggerscan -m 0 10s

->analyseRawData 何もデータなしhit0 L1id0

002192 exttriggerscan -m 0 30s

->analyseRawData 何もなし hit0 L1id0

002193 noisescan

moduleLV 1.779V 4.4A, chip3のみ, diffのみ見てる, sensorHV -50V -0.0008uA, triggerboard HV 60V ~1uA LV 5V 0.28A、 線源あり

002193 noisescan

002195 digitalscan chip3 Trim(20,16)

002196 digitalscan chip3 Trim(13,16)


moduleLV 1.779V 4.4A, 4chip, diffのみ見てる, sensorHV -50V -0.0008uA, triggerboard HV 60V ~1uA LV 5V 0.28A , PC につけていたGND外す、 線源あり

002197 digitalscan abort

002198 digitalscan

002199 digitalscan

002200 digitalscan

002201 digitalscan



ohio card を入れ替える capacita AC->resister DCがついているものに


moduleLV 1.779V 4.4A, 4chip, diffのみ見てる , PC につけていたGNDつける、 線源あり

002202 digitalscan ->config通らない→やはりohioカードを取り換えると2回rebootしないといけない


moduleLV 1.779V 4.4A, 4chip, diffのみ見てる,、 線源あり

002203 digitalscan can't establish comunication aborting

moduleLV pow cyc->moduleLV 1.780V 4.4A, 4chip, diffのみ見てる,、 線源あり

002204 digitalscan →ブロック

moduleLV 1.780V 4.4A, chip1, diffのみ見てる,、 線源あり


002205 digitalscan chip1 trim(18,20)->(16,20) ->ブロック

moduleLV 1.780V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin、 線源あり

002206 digitalscan chip1 trim(16,20)->(13,16) ->can't establish communication ,aborting->pow cyc

002207 digitalscan chip1 trim(16,20)->(13,16) ->can't establish communication ,aborting->pow cyc

moduleLVpow cyc ->moduleLV 1.780V 4.4A, chip1, diff,lin、 線源あり

002208 digitalscan chip1 trim(22,18)

002209 digitalscan chip1

moduleLV 1.780V 4.4A, chip4, diffのみ、 線源あり

002212 digitalscan noise載っている

002213 digitalscan noise載っている

002214 digitalscan noise載っている

moduleLV 1.780V 4.4A, chip4, diffのみ GNDとる、 線源あり

002215 digitalscan

002216 digitalscan

002217 digitalscan

moduleLV 1.780V 4.4A, chip4, diffのみ GND戻す、 線源あり

002218 analogscan

002219 noisescan

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4, diffのみ ,triggerboardLV 5V 0.028A HV 60V 1.495uA, sensorHV -50V 0.0007uA、 線源あり

002220 noisescan 10s noiseちょっと

002221 noisescan 10s noiseちょっと

002222 noisescan 10s noiseちょっと

002223 noisescan 300s noise ちょっとー>2220~2222までと場所が一緒

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4, diff lin ,triggerboardLV 5V 0.028A HV 60V 1.495uA, sensorHV -50V 0.0007uA, 線源あり

002224 noisescan 20s noiseちょっと →場所はlinをonにしても一緒

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip4, diff lin ,triggerboardLV 5V 0.028A HV 60V 1.495uA, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002225 digitalscan

002226 digitalscan ->模様あり

002227 digitalscan

002228 digitalscan Trim(23,20)->(20,20)

002229 digitalscan noiseの位置は違う



lakmin digitaltrim 12->24 1chipづつでdigital, analogをtrimを変えて設定していく、ー>chip1づつやれば完璧にしていく



moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff lin ,triggerboardLV 5V 0.028A HV 60V 1.495uA, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002230 digitalscan trim(12,16)->congfig通らない

002231 digitalscan trim(13,16)->data not valid

002232 digitalscan trim(14,16)->data not valid

002233 digitalscan trim(15,16)->data not valid

002234 digitalscan trim(16,16)->data not valid

002235 digitalscan trim(17,16)->data not valid

002236 digitalscan trim(18,16)->data not valid

002237 digitalscan trim(19,16)->data not valid まだましになってきた block

002238 digitalscan trim(20,16)

002239 digitalscan trim(21,16)

002240 digitalscan trim(22,16)

002241 digitalscan trim(23,16)

002242 digitalscan trim(24,16)->OK analogtrimは24が良さそう?

002243 digitalscan trim(24,17)

002244 digitalscan trim(23,17)

002245 digitalscan trim(25,16)

powcyc->moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff lin ,triggerboardLV 5V 0.028A HV 60V 1.495uA, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002246 digitalscan trim(24,16)

002247 digitalscan trim(24,16)

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip2, diff lin ,triggerboardLV 5V 0.028A HV 60V 1.495uA, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002248 digitalscan trim(12,16)->config通らない

002249 digitalscan trim(13,16)->config通らない

002250 digitalscan trim(14,16)->config通らない

002251 digitalscan trim(15,16)->config通らない

002252 digitalscan trim(16,16)->config通らない

002253 digitalscan trim(17,16)->config通らない

002254 digitalscan trim(18,16)->config通らない

002255 digitalscan trim(19,16)->config通らない

002256 digitalscan trim(20,16)->config通らない

002257 digitalscan trim(21,16)->config通らない

002258 digitalscan trim(22,16)->config通らない

002259 digitalscan trim(22,16)->config通らない

002260 digitalscan trim(23,16) config通る

002261 digitalscan trim(24,16) config通る

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip3, diff lin ,triggerboardLV 5V 0.028A HV 60V 1.495uA, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002262 digitalscan trim(12,16)config通る

002263 digitalscan trim(13,16)

002264 digitalscan trim(14,16)

002265 digitalscan trim(15,16)->data not valid

002266 digitalscan trim(16,16)->datanotvalid出ない

002267 digitalscan trim(17,16)

002268 digitalscan trim(18,16)

002269 digitalscan trim(19,16)

002270 digitalscan trim(20,16)

002271 digitalscan trim(21,16)

002272 digitalscan trim(22,16)

002273 digitalscan trim(23,16)

002274 digitalscan trim(24,16)

AC-DC-ACさっき ohio-cable-lakmin 電流がふらついている?



PC ->reboot ->reboot

lakmin board をAC->DCに

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff lin ,triggerboardLV off HV off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002277 digitalscan ->pow cyc

pow cyc->moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff lin ,triggerboardLV off HV off, sensorHV off, 線源なし

002278 digitalscan trim(15,16) data not valid

002279 digitalscan trim(16,16)

002280 digitalscan trim(17,16)

002281 digitalscan trim(18,16)

002282 digitalscan trim(19,16)

002283 digitalscan trim(20,16)

002284 digitalscan trim(21,16)

002285 digitalscan trim(22,16)

002286 digitalscan trim(23,16)

002287 digitalscan trim(24,16)

002288 digitalscan trim(22,22)

002289 analogscan trim(22,22)

002290 noisescan -m 0 10s trim(22,22)

moduleLV 1.781V 4.4A, chip1, diff lin ,triggerboardLV off HV off, sensorHV on, 線源なし

002291 noisescan -m 0 10s 何もなし

002292 noisescan -m 0 10s とてもnoiseあり

002293 noisescan -m 0

002294 analogscan -m 1

002295 noisescan -m 0 20s あまりnoiseなし

002296 noisescan -m 0 20s

002297 digitalscan trim(20,16) あまり良くない

明日 DCDCで試す(OhioをDCにする)


module LV 1.779[A],4.4[V]

sensor HV -50[V] -0.0009[uA] LV 5V 0.028A

read trigger board HV 60V ~1A

diff のみでレイテンシスキャン


plotrawdata rootにする





chip1のみ(config diffのみ)

002024 difflinexttrigger 2s 線源あり


chip1のみ(config diff lin)

002025 difflinexttrigger


->readrawdata→occupancymap が違う フォルダ名をoffline->offline_readRawData

->analysisrawdata フォルダ名を offline->offline_analysisRawData ->analysisrawdata壊れてる?

latencyscan を実装

→stddatagatherer を編集し、コンパイル


//お茶大のlatencyscan のデータを持ってくる

difflinexttrigger latency→211


002026 difflin exttrigger 一瞬

→analysieawdata (../../analyseRawData filename.raw) linのところダメ offline_analyseRawData

num of trigger 24


num of trigger 48

もう一度 hirose analyseRawData をコンパイル ~/work/RD53AQuad/tmpscriptsに入ってる

002027 difflin exttigger 一瞬

std_latencyscanを製作(std_exttiggerscanをコピー) DataAchiver を追加 .rawを作ってくれる。latency Configは211,frequency 10000

新しいconfig内に max 511, min 0, step 1,parameter "LatencyConfig",PixelRegs [0,0]

loopaction RD53aglovalfeedbasckを追加


/build内でmake コンパイル

002028 std latencyscan


002030 noisescan -m 0 10s?一瞬で終わってしまう。->昔

002033 noisescan 10s chip1 difflin

002034 noisescan -m 0 12:13:45~12:18:45 ~300s

analyseRawDataをいじってみる。 hirose analysisとanalysis_origを比較

002035 noisescan -m 0 10s chip1


002036 noisescan -m 0 10s chip1 線源あり


std_noisescan time->300 ->300s

std_latencyscan ちゃんとしたものにする。

002037 noisescan -m 0 60s

002039 noisescan -m 0 10s

002040 noisescan 60s

002041 analogscan -m 1

002042 noisescan -m 0 10s

002043 noisescan -m 0 10s うまくいってる

002044 latencyscan config通らない

~/work/RD53A/YARR_Latency ディレクトリを作成

lakmin コンパイル

~work/RD53A/YARR (lakmin)

002044 noisescan 一瞬で終了してしまう

YARR のconfigをconfig_orgにコピー

YARR_Letencyに YARR_testのconfigsをconfigsにコピー

config_origのlatencyscan をconfigに

YARR_Letency/src/scripts 内でmake コンパイル


latencyscanしたら./ filename.rawで.rootができる(readRawDataが実行される)

→このroot 内に2つttreeがある→??? readRawDataはうまくいってそう




002027 difflin(マスクはsynだけ) exttrigger にread_RawData実行→.root ができてない→昔のが実行されている?



002045 difflin ext triggerscan 60s

->readrawdata (../../bin/read_RawData filename.raw)->occupancy0 triggerは受け取っているが、データが取れてない

num of events 28051 ->28051/16がイベント数→ccupancy が0ー>データが入ってない

→ー>atecy scan ->trigger 受け取ってセンサーにヒットがある→どこまで戻るかをみるのがレイテンシースキャン(0~511まで)ー>どこまで戻ってもデータがない→latencyscanのデータが入ってない

YARR_Latency/src ./ 002049の.rawを実行ー>データが壊れてる

ext trigger scanをするとデータ壊れてる。


sensor HV -50V 0.0009[uA]

002050 noisescan -m 0 60s noise多すぎて線源見れない

002051 noisescan 60s いい感じ →なぜ-m 0にするとダメでoptionなしだとダメなのか

002052 noisesvan 60s ダメ

002053 noisescan 20s ダメ

002054 noisescan -m 0 15s

002055 noisescan 90s いい感じ

002056 noisescan 60s ダメ ->謎

noisescan frequencyでtrigger

std_noisescan で.raw取れるようにする dataarchive

lakmin noisescan -m 1 でもOK

3chip lakmin 4chipダメー>電源たりない?とか何か問題がある? vdda vddd->2chipでやってみて1chipみたいになるのか3chipみたいになるのかをみてみる→4ちpもやってみる

→lakmin chip増やすと電流足りない? 4.4A以上はダメ

002057 noisescan


XpressK7 _RD53A ~ 20181228 の



->002057にread_RawData->offline_readrawdataに 古いYARRから持ってきた

ー>analyseRawData->offline_analyserawdata hirose




002058 digitalscan chip4のみ

Trim(15,16)->(20,16) (analogtrim,digitaltrim)

002059 digitalscan

LV onoff

002060 digitalscan

Trim(20,16)->(20,18) (chip1と同じ)

002061 digitalscan ちょっと良くなった?


002062 digitalscan


002063 digitalscan

Trim(22,20)->(23,20) 23にはあまりしないよう言われてる

002064 digitalscan


002065 digitalscan


002066 digitalscan


002067 digitalscan

Trim(20,18)->(23,20) 002064が良かったので

002069 digital -m 1

002070 analog -m 1

ちなLCC はONになってる difflcc200 difflccEn 1

002071 analog -m 1 ダメ 何か変えた? 

002071 analog -m 1 ダメ

002072 digital -m 1OK

std_analogscan frequency 30000->10000

002073 analogscan -m 1 OK? chip4


3000 2500 10000 7にtune (conectivity 4だけになってる)


002094 4chip digitalscan ch3がノイジー (ch4)

power cyc

002095 4chip digitalscan

002096 4chip analogscan

002097 4chip threshold scan→critical error 

interrupt timeoput during DMA, aborting transfer

hirose analyseRawDataがやっパリ良さげ?


3chip 1,2,3でやる

002098 thresholdscan 3chip OK

4chipにする 1,2,3,4

002099 thresholdscan 4chip


sensorHV -50V 0.0013[uA]

002100 analogscan -m 1 sensorHVあり

002101 noisescan -m 0 10s OK 線源あり chip4のみ

002102 noisescan -m 0 60s 線源あり OK?

002103 noisescan -m 0

4chip 1,2,3,4

002104 noisescan -m 0 線源あり 10s 全てのchipで同じノイズの見え方している →3chipの時と同じ


DataArchiver はできないことが判明→削除

002105 noisescan -m 0 線源あり 10s 4chip1,2,3,4 OK?

002106 noisescan -m 0 線源あり 300s 4chip 同じnoise->見えやすい


002107 noisescan -m 0 線源あり 4chip 100s 同じノイズ

3chip 1,2,3

002108 noisescan -m 0 線源あり 300s 同じノイズの構造が見える

2chip 1,2

002109 noisescan -m 0 線源あり 300s 同じ構造のノイズが見える

1chip 1

002110 noisescan -m 0 線源あり 300s ノイズ載らない

analyseRawData_BC16なら行ける?→analyseRawDataに名前変えて typeid(void)消す→コンパイル

../../analyseRawData filename.raw->linがダメ


linをマスクしてdiffのみ見る linを0

002111 difflin ext triggerscan -m 0 lin mask 4chip 線源おいてないー>失敗

002112 difflin ext triggerscan -m 0 lin mask 4chip 線源あり 30s


trigger read board threshold 89[mV]

002113 difflin exttriggerscan -m 0 lin mask 4chip 線源あり 10s

->analyseRawData numoftrigger 563

exttrigger トリガー取れているが、データ入ってない→latencyの問題 chip2はなんかいるが

exttriggerのlatencyconfig 211->206 (configs/scans/rd53a/difflin_exttrigger.json)

analysisrawdata ->offline の名前をChipの名前に変えている

002114 crosstalkscan やってみた 通ったが

002115 difflin exttriggerscan -m 0 線源あり 20s 4chip sensorHV on trigger 840

->analysisrawdata occupancy mean=0 -> 何もデータ入ってない →offlineをchip名前に変更


002116 digitalscan 線源あり 4chip

002117 digitalscan 線源あり 4chip

002118 digitalscan 線源あり 4chip

exttrigger noisescan frequencyを合わせると原理的には同じものが見えるはず?

latencyscan するためにYARR_Latency/src/configs/rd53a/std_Latencyscan.jsonをYARR_testに持ってくる

002119 latencyscan 4chip 30s


latencyscan を修正→コンパイル

002123 latencyscan ?

exttrigger latencyconfig -> 211

002124 difflin exttrigger 4chip

->analyseRawData num of trigger 819 ->offlineの名前をchipの名前に変える →データなし

exttrigger latencyconfig ->221

002125 difflin exttrigger 4chip 10s

->analyseRawData num of 590 offline->名前変える 


difflin exttrigger latencyconfig 231

002126 difflin exttrigger 4chip 10s

->analyseRawData ->ch1なし ch2なし ch3なし ch4ちょっと

difflin extttrigger latencyconfig


MPPCのread out board の設定

印加電圧 58.35[V]

コンパレータのthreshold 90.0[mV]

LV 5[V] 0.028[A]

HV 60[V] 1.3~[A]下がり続ける



001849 digital scan OK

001850 difflin exttrigger 60sくらい

->analysisrawdata 実行->chip1 ~3 coredump triggerはきていそう (../../bin/AnalysisRawData chipname) (../../bin/plotFromDir)

hirose AnalysisRawData をコンパイル make -j4 make install

../../build/bin/AnalysisRawData chipname

->core dump number of errors が多い


AnalysisRawData 16BC->コンパイル

difflinexttigger Latencyconfig 125->237

001851 difflin exttigger HVなし

→AnalysisRawData -> offlineにファイルあるがダメ


001852 difflin etxtrigger 10s(オシロを見てthreを超えた粒子の数を数えると〜12)

→AnalysisRawData Wafer66_Chip1-6_data.raw

->num of trigger 97

->num of events 48




YARR_test内で)noisescanがちゃんと動くかの確認のため、configをconfig_origにコピーしておき、 YARR_testのconfigを使ってみる

001865 noisescan


いっぱい鳴ってるピクセルがなくなるまでnoisescan (occupancy map(z軸)をみる)→optionは-pのみ



HV かけて

001884 noisescan ちゃんとマスクできた? ~2

001885 ダメ

001886 analogscan -p -m 1

001887 noisescan

chip1だけにして //Wafer66_Chip1_6

001888 noisescan

001889 noisescan -m 0

001890 noisescan -m 0 001889と同じところが鳴るのかどうか確認→違う

HV onoff

001892 noisescan -m 0 マスクできている 〜1


chip2のみ //chip2-5

001894 noisescan OK

001895 noisescan -m 0 OK

001896 noisescan -m 0 ダメ

001897 noisescan

001898 noisescan -m 0 ダメ

001899 noisescan

001900 noisescan -m 0 ダメ

001901 noisesca OK

001902 noisescan -m 0 ダメ

001903 noisescan -m 0 OK


001904 analogscan -m 1

001905 nioisescan

001906 noisescan -m 0 OK

線源置いてext trigger sensor HL -10[V]0.008[uA]

Chip 1のみ

001907 difflin_exttrigger 10s

->AnalysisRawData ダメ

001908 difflin_exttrigger





001909 noisescan -m 0 10[s]


001910 noisescan -m 0 10[s]

sensor HV -50[V] -0.008[uA]

001911 noisescan -m 0 10s 線源なし いっぱい鳴っている

001912 noisescan -m 0 10s 線源あり いっぱい鳴ってる

001913 noisescan -m 0 10s 線源なし いっぱい鳴ってる
001914 noisescan -m 0 10s 線源なし いっぱい鳴ってる

001915 analogscan -m 1 OK

001916 noisescan 10s ダメ

001917 noisescan 10s OK

001918 noisescan 10s 線源あり ダメ

->config保存 config_org/configs_tune1500e

threshold が低い?→threshold を2000にtuning

./scripts/ 2500 2000 10000 7 ./configs/controller/specCfg.json ./configs/connectivity/real_example_rd53a_setup.json


001956 thresholdscan まあOK

001957 totscan

001958 noisescan 10s 線源なし ダメ

001959 noisescan -m 0 10s OK

sensor HV -50[V] 0.008[uA]

001960 noisescan 10s -m 0  線源なし ダメ

001962 noisescan 10s ダメ

001963 noisescan 10s -m 0 線源なし OK

001964 noisescan 10s -m 0 線源あり ダメ

001965 noisescan 10s -m 0 線源あり ダメ->一応線源っぽいのは見える。

001966 noisescan 10s -m 0 線源あり ダメ noisemaskをみると満遍なくマスクされている→線源は見えているはず。

001967 digitalscan

001968 analogscan

->configfileをコピー config_org/configs_tune2000e



./scripts/ 3000 2500 10000 7 ./configs/controller/specCfg.json ./configs/connectivity/real_example_rd53a_setup.json


001986 thresholdscan

001987 totscan

001988 noisescan -m 0 sensorHVなし線源なし

001989 noisescan sensorHVなし線源なし 間違い

001990 analogscan -m 1

001991 noisescan sensorHVなし線源なし ダメ

001992 noisescan -m 0 OK

sensor HV on -50[V] -0.008[uA]

001993 noisescan -m 0 線源なし OK


001994 noisescan -m 0 線源あり 1ピクセルだけノイジー

001995 noisescan -m 0 線源あり OK

triggerboard LV 5V 0.028A HV 60V

001996 difflin ext triggerscan 線源なし sensorHVありOK


001997 difflin ext triggerscan 線源あり sensorHVあり ダメ

diffだけでexttrigger→ linをマスク

->config EnCoreColLin1 65535->0 EnCoreColLin2 1->0

001998 difflin ext triggerscan 線源あり sensorHVあり

→AnalysisRawData ->OK

config 戻す


001999 difflin exttigger 線源あり 10s

→analysisrawdataエラーだらけ ダメ linear が変?


002000 difflin exttigger 線源あり 10s

->analysisrawdata chip1,2と同じ occupancy zaxis->16

002001 difflin exttigger あり 20s

->analysisrawdata occupancy zaxis ->16 変わらん

002002 difflin exttigger 線源あり 60s

->analysisRawData occupancy zaxis->16 変わらん→DAQの問題?


002002 difflin exttigger 線源あり 60s

->analysisRawData diffのところにヒットが増えるかをみる。→ヒットは見えていない(linはおかしい)

hirose analysisrawdata でも変わらない

とりあえず ext trigger は置いといて、chip1,2,3でnoisescanしてnoiseがなくなるかをみる。

read trigger board はoff


002004 noisescan -m 0 線源なし 


002005 noisescan -m 0 線源なし 


002006 noisescan -m 0 線源なし OK 10s

002007 noisescan OK 10s

002008 noisescan -m 0 線源なし ダメ 10s

002009 noisescan 20s まあ

002010 noisescan -m 0 10s OK

002011 noisescan -m 0 10s OK


002012 noisescan 10s OK

002013 noisescan -m 0 10s ダメ

002014 noisescan 10s OK

002015 noisescan -m 0 10s ダメ

002016 noisescan 20s ノイジーなのマスクできた

002017 noisescan 10s OK


002018 noisescan -m 0 10s ch1OK ch2まあOK ch3まあOK


002019 noisescan -m 0 10s 線源あり ch1ダメ ch2ダメ ch3ダメ

002020 noisescan -m 0 線源あり 20s ch1ダメ ch2ダメ ch3ダメ おなじところがノイジー→DAQ


002021 noisescan -m 0 線源あり 10s ダメ

002022 noisescan -m 0 線源あり 10s ダメ


002023 noisescan -m 0 線源あり 10s OK


特に3chipにするとノイジー chip2が特にノイジー

threshold tuning をもっとあげればノイズが見えなくなる?




MPPCのread out board の設定

印加電圧 58.7[V]

コンパレータのthreshold 74.6[mV]




source /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/ cd ./script/


frequency 10k
trim (14,16)
→ config ok!, occupancy BlockPattern

chip1 frequency 5k trim (14,16)

AC Ohio
AC Adapter Board 黒色のケーブル(GNDが繋がっている方)

001530 chip 1

001531 chip 2

001533 digitalscan 001534 analogscan chip 1, 2 同時


DiffLcc 200 DiffLccEn 1 →悪い

DiffLcc 100 DiffLccEn 1 →悪い

DiffLcc 300 DiffLccEn 1

Threshold scan

Analog scan 細かいbolck Diff timingの

ChipID 1
Name Wafer66_Chip1-6

ChipID 2
Name Wafer66_Chip2-5

ChipID 3
Name Wafer66_Chip2-6

ChipID 4
Name Wafer66_Chip2-7

========================= 13:40~



001565 (14,16)->BlockPattern 001566 (11,16)->BlockPattern

(13,16) ActiveLane 7 CmlEn 7

1. Digital scan
2. Analog scan
3. LCC回路ON
4. Analog scan
5. Threshold scan

========================= 14:40~

Chip4のセットアップ (15,16)

1. Digital scan
2. Analog scan
3. LCC回路ON
4. Analog scan
5. Threshold scan

========================= 15:08~

Synを全てマスク (EnCoreColSyn 0にした)

threshold scan tot scan

MPPC readout Board setup LV

3本同時読み出し →OK! 001620


MPPC readout Boardからの信号を確認 オシロスコープで

● MPPCの波形
● コンパレータの出力波形



※Cooling Boxがないと遮光が十分でなく光漏れで、線源の信号が埋もれてしまう



/work/RD53AQuad/YARR =======


DP to miniDPをつなげた ● PortA - Port1
PortB - Port2
PortD - Port4

4.4A con current 1.771V ファン 5V

-c : moduleのコンフィグレーション
-r : YarrのスッペックごとのConfigration
-s : Scanのコンフィグ
-p : plotを作るオプション
-m : 0->マスクを変えない, 1->マスクをリセットしてからマスクをかける, -mを付けな いとマスクをする

● mask stage scanが進むとコンフィグは通っている ● data not valid: データが壊れている

Digital, Analogにレギュレータで電圧ドロップさせているが、 スキャンが早すぎる、スキャンするときのfrequency

1. DPの白と黒を入れ替えてみる?

SldoDigitalTrim : 1.7Vに対してAnalog, Digitalに対して電圧をかけるときに、どれだけ 下げるかが書いてある。

=========== 14:23~

4.4A 1.773V

SldoAnalogTrim, SldoDigitalTrim の値をいじってみる

(20, 20)の時
Data not valid が多い →BlockPattern
(14, 16)の時 さっきよりまし →BlockPattern

OutputActivityLines 1本 にしてみる 2回 data not valid →BlockPattern

OutputActivityLines 3本 CmlEn 3本 →BlockPattern 7本に戻す

デフォルトのconfig fileから作り直してみる cmlEn 7
ActiveLane 7
SldoAnalogTrim 14

SldoDigitalTrim 16 chipID 1
name Wafer66 Chip1-6

EnCoreCol Lin&Syn 0→BlockPattern EnCoreCol Lin&Syn 戻す

(17, 18)→BlockPattern
(12, 14)→BlockPattern(低すぎる、プロットができない) (15, 16)→BlockPattern
(14, 16)→BlockPattern(まだ良い方?)


5k→BlockPattern 2k→BlockPattern

Chip2を使ってみる 同じようにBlockPattern

====== 15:57~

DC Ohio に付け替えた

(rd53a側のlineがキャパシタンスで区切られていて ohio側のlineもキャパシタンスで区切られている 本来、キャパシタンスは1つでいい キャパシタンス0にしてあるBoardがある

→ DC Ohio) 4.4A


chip1 frequency 10k Trim (14,16)


source /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/ cd ./script/

1) tef1001_R2 0) rd53
0) ohio
1) 160Mbps 0) 4x4


<FW debug>
1. ERROR:[Labtoolstcl 44-469] There is no current hw_target.

→ JTAGでPCとつなげるのを忘れていた。
2. Wifiに繋ぐのを忘れていた
3. 1度変にFWを書いてしまっていたから、おかしいFWになっている

Open Hardware manager reboot

DMA転送できているか確かめる cd YARR


DMA転送できたと思って、 RD53A のLVをかけて、

デジタルスキャンしたら、 DMA転送できていないって言われた

その時のLV 1.772V


-- Koji Nakamura - 2020-08-25


This topic: Main > WebHome > RD53ADAQtop > RD53ARealQuadDAQ > WorkingLog202008
Topic revision: r35 - 2020-09-30 - ShimpeiMidorikawa
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