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002106 noisescan -m 0 線源あり 300s 4chip 同じnoiseの構造

002161,62,63 digitalscan 毎回ノイズの位置が違う

002885 exttriggerscan threshold1500 synoff

Ohio card を抜き差ししたあとは2回reboot!!

8/27 Ohio cardに載っているresisterを外した


・ohio cardをACのものからDCのものに取り替えてTrimを調整

 →digitalscan の結果はノイズが多い、noisescanのノイずの位置は毎回違う

・lakmin board(DC)(最初に使ってたAC,8/27に使ってたDCとは別のDClakmin board)のresisterを外してみた


・crosstalk scan



  ・thresholdscan のnoisemap


ohio-lakminのAC DC

~002201     ohioAC-lakminAC

002202~002274 ohioDC-lakminAC

002277~002301 ohioAC lakminDC

002302~002494 ohioDC lakminDC

002504~     ohioDC lakminDCresisterなし


~006045 ohioAC lakmin DCresisterあり

006046〜006061 ohioDC lakmin DCresisterあり

006062~006076 ohioDC lakmin DCresisterなし

006077~006740 ohioAC lakmin DCresisterあり

006741~ ohioAC lakmin AC


002780 noisescan chip4 sourceなし 3600s

002781 noisescan Chip4 sourceあり 3600s

002785 noisescan Chip3 sourceなし 3600s




exttriggerscanを実行するときは configs/controller/specCfg.json ではなく、

configs/controller/specCfgFnal.json Fnal



port B,DはDC,


9/4 XpressK7 使ってみる
9/4 違うmoduleのscanを開始
9/7 XpressK7 ->Trentzボードにかえる
9/9 rasberrypi ~/work/CYRIC/ sudo python themo_controllCYRIC.py

温度おかしかったら source i2cget.sh

9/11 source scinti sensorが一直線にくるようにジグを製作


9/23 module2 chip1 diff lin syn

digitalscan 008123

analogscan 008133

thresholdscan 008121

totscan 008119

discbumpscan 008149

analogscan(LccDis) 008157



008973 008934 008786 008849 digitalscan

008756 008779 008789 008860 analogscan lcc dis

008977 008946 008795 008863 analogscan lcc en

008986 008950 008802 008871 diff thresholdscan

008991 008954 008824 008886 lin thresholdscan

008993 008959 008828 008894 syn thresholdscan

008994 008961 008832 008896 std thresholdscan

008995 008962 008835 008897 totscan

008997 008963 008846 008899 discbumpscan

module5 chip1~3

009016 009150 009089 digitalscan

009024 009151 009090 analogscan lcc dis

009027 009152 009094 analogscan lcc en

009045 009160 009107 diff thresholdscan

009055 009169 009115 lin thresholdscan

009063 009171 009118 syn thresholdscan

009064 009172 009119 std thresholdscan

009174 009173 009175 totscan

009188 009191 009196 discbumpscan


009248 009278 009324 009354 digitalscan

009250 009279 009326 009355 analogscan lcc dis

009259 009287 009332 009363 analogscan lcc en

009264 009298 009339 009371 diff thresholdscan

009269 009304 009346 009380 lin thresholdscan

009272 009305 009347 009381 syn thresholdscan

009273 009307 009348 009382 std thresholdscan

009274 009308 009349 009383 totscan

009277 009313 009351 009388 discbumpscan

scanでやること(tot tuning を行わない、linのretuneを行わない)


analogscan lcc off

analogscan lcc on

diff tune global threshold -t 2500

diff tune pixel threshold -t 2500

diff thresholdscan

lin tune global threshold -t 2500

lin tune pixel threshold -t 2500

lin thresholdscan

syn thresholdscan(config syncVth ~120)

std thresholdscan

std totscan

std discbumpscan

std exttigger


-- Koji Nakamura - 2020-08-25


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