Nov 25 ,2019
9:30 could not receive DACHS card at bld.6
(Because My name was not in the database.)
10:30 registered my name in the database at bld.6 room 208
11:30 received DACHS card
13:00 safety training(listen and sign name,no test)
14:00 setup
move last TB config file (ex.V2Sxx.json) to Sep2019_2 directory
make new connectivity config
. and
V6S04 /5.
V6S05 is difficult to pass config. so exchange
V6S05 to
18:00 complete setup and checked digital/analog scan
install new version
YarrEudaqProducer modified for memory leak problem. change the symbolic link of
YarrEudaqProducerMulti from 201907xx to 20191126
apply voltage on
V6S03 /4, the current is so high (-50V/100uA over)
the cuurent droped to 0 when apply some modules of vendor2 and vendor6 with connencting to YARR. (when extract display pot cable the problem did not occur)
try to connect PC GND and LV GND, PC GND and HV GND, but the problem did not resolved.
26 Nov, 2019
9:00 maybe the promble was due to Single Chip Card?
(1) module connect with only HV -> stable, 10(?)nA@-80V
(2) module connect with HV and
DiplayPort -> unstable:often drop to 0 A
(3) module connect with HV and
DisplayPort and LV power supply (ON) -> unstable
(4) module connect with HV and
DisplayPort and LV (ON). LV GND and YARR GND short -> unstable
(5) module connect with HV and
DisplayPort and LV (ON). HV GND and YARR GND short -> stable
add jumper pin which select short with HV and bias ring. (near HV Lemo connector), and short with HV GND and bias ring.
--> stable current !!
##run plan##
(1) full depletion voltage is different with vendor info and ITk info.
(2) tune different way:
1.target threshold:1500, include
ToT tuning
2.target threshold:1500, NOT including
ToT tuning for disappearing living analog core pattern.
3. target threshold:1000, ???
11:00?? tune
V6S02 : first target:2000, second target:1500, injection:10000,
ToT:7, including
ToT tuning
11:30 tune
V6S04 : same parameters.
14:00 run control PC setup especcially editing config files. work DAQ PC from runControlPC.
14:30 first beam out
15:30 modify the stage for beam hitting sensor of
RD53A as looking the monitor.
17:00 run start : DUT0:V6S02, DUT1:V6S04, both-130V, 1500e,
ToT tuning ON, 10M events
27 Nov, 2019
9:00 stack...
10:30 tune modules with -100V, NO
ToT tuning. (other parameters are same)
debug 50x50 vendor6 modules, but cannot
15:45 tune
V6S02 :
DiffVff =1 and
V6S04 :
DiffVff =1 (default Vff=50) , No
ToT tuning
16:00 tune
V6S02 :
DiffVff =30 and
V6S04 :
DiffVff =30 , No
ToT tuning
16:10 tune
V6S02 :
DiffVff =50 and
V6S04 :
DiffVff =50 , No
ToT tuning-> default Diffvff=50 and tuned Diffvff=50 were not result
16:15 did digital scan for return default , and made new configfile->but not 1500e (in fact near 1650e)
16:30 changed DUT0 100V and DUT1=100V -> double peak...
17:00 changed DUT0 130V and DUT1=129.8V ,1000e, tune
V6S02 :DiffVff=50 and
V6S04 =50 , No
ToT tuning
28 Nov, 2019
afternoon :DUT0(
V6S02) tuned 1500e
ToT and DUT1(
V6S04) removed jumpers for grownding
DUT0 changed 80V -> 100V -> 130V -> 50V -> 10V -> 30V ->130V each with 5M events
DUT1 changed 130V -> 100V -> 80V -> 50V -> 30V -> 10V each with 5M events
29 Nov,2019
V2S14) and DUT1(
V6S05) tuned 1000e no
ToT tuning ,Vff=30
DUT0 changed 75V(10M) -> 80V(5M) -> 50V(5M) ->30V(5M)
DUT1 changed 130V(10M) -> 100V(5M) -> 80V(5M) -> 30V(5M)
so stable beam and DAQ systems.
each batch set is written in detail at ITk Twiki.
sometimes lost correlation.
07 Nov, 2019
maybe midnight the XY stage does not work especially Y direction. in the morning, the problem had been resolved already when I knew the problem.
restart data taking.
08 Nov, 2019
9:00 clean up
config and tunig file in YARR PC is copied at ~/YarrNov in Run Control PC and /eos/atlas/atlascerndisk/pixel-upgrade/itk/TestBeam/desy_2019_november/configlib24. the files do not include *.raw because of no space in Run Control PC.
2 display port - RJ45 adapter were given to Marco. Kyosuke has Linxin's one.
Koji Nakamura - 2019-11-24