Difference: ReconstructionAndAnalysisForFE65p2Data (5 vs. 6)

Revision 62017-06-04 - AtlasjSilicon

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="PlanerPixelTestBeam"

Reconstruction & Analysis instruction for the data including FE65p2

Line: 36 to 36
export TB_ANALYSIS=$TBRECBASEDIR/Reconstruction
export TB_RECDIR=$TB_ANALYSIS/TBReconstruction/TBReconstruction-trunk
export TB_RECDIR=\$TB_ANALYSIS/TBReconstruction/TBReconstruction-trunk
 export ILCSOFT=$TBRECBASEDIR/ilcsoft20170515/ILCSOFT source /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/contrib/gcc/4.8/x86_64-slc6/setup.sh source \$ILCSOFT/v01-17-05/Eutelescope/v1.0/build_env.sh
Line: 65 to 65
emacs -nw $ILCSOFT/v01-17-05/Eutelescope/v1.0/src/EUTelMille.cc

### l.3072-3074
# const int NBin = 600;
# const double Min = -300.;
# const double Max = 300.;

emacs -nw $ILCSOFT/v01-17-05/Eutelescope/v1.0/src/EUTelPreAlignment.cc
emacs -nw $ILCSOFT/v01-17-05/Eutelescope/v1.0/src/EUTelPreAlignment.cc
### l.129 133
### l.129 133
# AIDA::IHistogram1D * histo1Da = AIDAProcessor::histogramFactory(this)->createHistogram1D( (basePath + tempHistoName).c_str(), 100 , -20., 20.);
# AIDA::IHistogram1D * histo1Db = AIDAProcessor::histogramFactory(this)->createHistogram1D( (basePath + tempHistoName).c_str(), 100 , -20., 20.);

## bit odd but this is necessary way to compile...
# AIDA::IHistogram1D * histo1Da = AIDAProcessor::histogramFactory(this)->createHistogram1D( (basePath + tempHistoName).c_str(), 100 , -20., 20.);
# AIDA::IHistogram1D * histo1Db = AIDAProcessor::histogramFactory(this)->createHistogram1D( (basePath + tempHistoName).c_str(), 100 , -20., 20.);

## bit odd but this is necessary way to compile...
source compile.sh

## change your config_fe65p2.cfg files to have right BasePath

BasePath = $TBRECBASEDIR/work/run_%(TestBeamDate)s
## note $TBRECBASEDIR env have to be extracted since it doesn't work in the config file
BasePath = $TBRECBASEDIR/work/run_%(TestBeamDate)s

## note $TBRECBASEDIR env have to be extracted since it doesn't work in the config file

  ## run converter as the first try
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